"Overripe fingers of elephants"
Automatic translate
с 23 Августа
по 25 СентябряГалерея “ЗДЕСЬ на Таганке”
Таганская ул. д. 31/22
Overripe fingers of elephants - not just the name of the exhibition. According to Andrei Bartenev, the fingers of elephants are spray cans that are used by street artists. "Why are they overripe? Yes, because they spray! - considers Bartenev. “We are not opening the next graffiti exhibition, but are trying in one fell swoop to close the distance between street art and modern painting, sculpture and video art, combine them into one installation, and destroy everyday life with bright colors and positive images.”
Almost all summer, the gallery was full of work invisible from the street. In July, an open call was announced, following which the curator selected 50 artists - from very young to quite adults - whose job it was to come to the gallery on that day and decorate the wall, or a piece of the wall, or a separate piece of drywall, or hardboard, or canvas. We can already say with confidence that the exhibition “Overripe Fingers of the Elephants” is that rare case in curatorial practice when the preparatory period is much longer than the exposition — the exhibition was prepared for two months, and only one will work.
The opening will be performed by the artist Alosha Mordasha and his fiery group “Monthly” and Marika & Leopard with the performance “Chaos Sense Delight”.
Participants: Andrey Bartenev, Stas Bags, Misha Most, Nikolay N888K Nikolaev, Denis Thekko, Kirill Bout, Gosha Ykor, Eugene Bam, Jan Negodzilla, Chris Riggs, Misha Shtern, Ivan LRKNRK Kovalevsky, Nikita Kurattsev, Konstantin Volkov, Sergey Nikitin, Timof Karaffa-Korbut, Rosa Poe, Anna Birshtein, Max Antipov, Andrey sodahaus Salinder, Tanya Strelbitskaya, Alexey Ce, Ivan Ninety, Alexey Mednoy, VARENYE ORGANISM, Dmitry Eloom, Kostya August, Zakhar Evseev, Sofya Astashova, Gurgen Petrosyan, Katya Glory to PTRK, Roman Fedorov, Evgeny Vyguzov, Alexander Zaikin, Nika Chernyaeva, Vasily Zhelezny, Vladimir Perkin, Vasilisa Lipateva, NEWMAN (Arthur Ilyushkin) Max HIKM, Tatarintcev Maxim, Andrei Petranin Roman Manihino Pauline Kukushkin, Eugene Ches, Mila Giga, Vladimir Dudkin, Barkalova Vera, Anthony Leo, Arseniy Truba, Julia Gvozdeva.
Exhibition "Overripe Fingers of Elephants"
August 23 - September 25
Curator - Andrey Bartenev
Opening - Taganskaya St. 31/22, August 23, Tuesday, 18. 00 - FREE ENTRANCE
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