Pavel Rostovsky. "Tête-à-tête" 0+
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с 1 Декабря
по 31 ЯнваряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Lecture Corner", 2nd floor
To tell a story without using a single word - the ARTMUZA Museum will host a personal exhibition of Pavel Rostovsky, known for his soft humor and inimitable style of decorative painting.
Calling his exposition "Tet-a-Tet", the artist hints that sometimes the best stories happen and are told with someone alone, in a one-to-one conversation. Pavel Rostovsky is known for his approach: being a man of few words, he uses visual arts as a way of storytelling, dialogue with the viewer. His paintings at the exhibition are an immersion in an alternative reality, where situations reflecting everyday life are charged with "pastel" warmth and even magic. They are the "visiting card" of the author; soft irony and jokes are sometimes read after "reading" the entire depicted story.
The artist will present his most famous and new paintings, all of them are united by mood, ironic idea and sympathy. “Without uttering a sound, I wanted to tell as much as possible, show as much as possible, and share with you the tonic effect of our rare meetings.”
Pavel Rostovsky is a St. Petersburg artist, a member of the Union of Artists (section Poster), works in a genre that does not yet have a clear definition - he himself defines his work as decorative painting, painting on a plane. Pavel is a graduate of two of the best St. Petersburg art alma mater, different schools influenced his creative worldview: trying to get away from realism, he tried himself in abstraction, minimalism, came to decorative painting, but at the same time uses classical materials - oil paints. Since 2010, he regularly participates in exhibitions, including international (personal exhibition "Joker" in Berlin, Germany, 2015).
Vernissage in the presence of the author will take place on December 1, 2021, the exhibition will run for two months.
Curator - Marina Gurevich.
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