Pastels of Peter Dick. Favorite
Automatic translate
с 13 Сентября
по 15 ОктябряНациональная художественная галерея “Хазинэ”
Кремль, проезд Шейнкмана, 12, 3-й подъезд
Pyotr Gergardovich Dick (1939 – 2002), one of the finest and most profound Russian masters of the last decades of the twentieth century, was born in the village of Glyaden, Blagoveshchensky district of the Altai Territory, into a family of ethnic Germans. Having learned the difficulties of a childhood of war in abundance, he made a long and difficult path to the profession: in 1977, a few years after the end of Stroganovka, Dick was admitted to the Union of Artists. Only in the crucial "nineties" did the master who settled in Vladimir receive not only "local", but also a well-deserved European recognition. In 1992 – 1993 he was personally exhibited in Moscow and London, in 1994 he was shown in the Tretyakov Gallery, in 1995 – 1996 he went to Germany and Italy with exhibitions, and in 1997 he was exhibited in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. In subsequent years, the artist opens an extensive exhibition geography, which continues actively today and includes a long list of Russian and foreign cities, such as Novosibirsk, Omsk, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Nuremberg, Vorpswede, Erlangen and many others.
The key to such success lies in the quality of the dialogue that the artist establishes with the outside world and with the audience with the help of his favorite material. Peter Dick’s communicative “mediator” was dry pastel, most often applied to sandpaper or velor paper. At first glance, the creative possibilities of this technique are small. However, in the hands of Dick, the pastel touch is experiencing a real transformation. So the spatial constructions of the artist deliberately reject the illusory depth, claiming the visual immutability of a lofty meaningful natural or worldly motive.
A special role in this process is played by color. Either shrinking to a minimum in early works, or gaining exceptional brightness and completeness by the end of the 1990s, the color structure of the artist’s paintings clearly reflects the psychologically conditioned evolution of his worldview.
Continuing a leisurely dialogue with the bewitching world of the artist, Dick fixes in his fragile pastels an sometimes disturbingly disturbing, but often peaceful, quiet "metaphysics" of enduring life. For example, Giorgio Morandi, Vladimir Veisberg, Dmitry Krasnopevtsev created in a similar register, but in contrast to them, Peter Dick was always more attracted not by objective still-life collisions, but by a world that invariably accepts a person and accepts him in response…
The exhibition runs through October 15th.
- Exhibition "Pillars of the Russian avant-garde. Three points of view. Nikolay Vatagin. Georgy Litichevsky. Vyacheslav Koleichuk" 16+
- Exhibition of German artists from Vorpswede in the art gallery of Chelyabinsk