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с 21 по 28 Ноября
“Корабль Брюсов”
Крымская набережная, Парк искусств “Музеон”
The curtain rises, on the stage of the Paradoxical Theater - a creative project of Moscow surrealists by artist Andrei Gorenkov and sculptor Pavel Zhukovsky. The title of the exhibition “The Paradoxical Theater of Dreams” is an occasion to reflect on the fact that the world around us is not linear and behind every even the simplest event is an energy essence, symbol, sign.
Gorenkov and Zhukovsky open for their viewers the wonderful world of sleep as a journey into another reality, where symbols can be interpreted ambiguously, based on the personal experience of a particular person. For example, a simple graceful glass of wine gives rise to the thought of one person about a cozy retreat with a blanket and a book, another sees a romantic date here, the third sees loneliness and sadness. Connecting on canvas among magical landscapes, the images of shells, fish, butterflies, naked beauties, drops floating in the air and ripe seductive cherries create a separate reality, intertwined not only in bizarre visual images, but also in stories. Thus, each work at the exhibition can really be read like a book, inventing your own story or trying to guess the one that the artist created.
The work of the artist Andrei Gorenkov is often compared with the early works of Salvador Dali. “The creativity of this genius played a fundamental role in my life. For me, the words “Dali” and “surrealism” are indistinguishable. Accordingly, if they compare me with Dali, it means they understand in which direction I work… ”- the artist notes in an interview.
Originating more than a century ago, surrealism has never lost popularity, and lately, interest in it has only been gaining momentum. As evidence - a number of exhibitions and events held in the capital in recent years. Following the classics and using their tricks, Andrei Gorenkov fills his surreal worlds with images, each of which has a personal story. He calls his method philosophical surrealism.
The exhibition has more than 35 works that illustrate different periods of the work of the masters. The emphasis is put on the last stage, when the creative search is completed and each individual style has formed.
The venue was not chosen by chance. The “Bryusov Ship” is one of the foremost platforms and a kind of mouthpiece of urban actual culture, applied design, technology and creativity. But in the context of this exhibition, it is also a symbol of sailing into the surreal space of sleep, the subconscious and into art itself.
Andrey Gorenkov , Member of the Creative Union of Professional Artists (Moscow). He was awarded the Gold Medal "National Treasure" from the International Academy of Social Sciences, has a rating of "Professionally Established Artist" (Rating 5B in the "Unified Artistic Rating"). Works are in private collections in Russia, Germany, Holland, France, and the USA.
Pavel Zhukovsky - designer, artist, sculptor. Member of the Union of Designers of Uzbekistan, professional activity since 1987. Participant of exhibitions in Moscow, Tolyatti, Zhigulevsk, Tashkent. Works are in private collections in Russia.
Venue: “Ship of Bryusov”, Moscow, Krymskaya embankment, Park of Arts “Museum”
Exhibition opening hours: 11/21/2015 - 11/28/2015, 12:00 - 22:00, admission is free