Opening of the VI International Cultural Festival "Flowers of Russia"
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On the first day of the VI International Cultural Festival "Flowers of Russia" at the site of the Belarusian Republican Theater for Young Spectators in Minsk, several events took place at once.
In the afternoon, a master class in acting was held by Andrei Shimko, theater and film actor, creator and director of the Naive Theater, laureate of the Russian National Theater Award “Golden Mask” and the Highest Theater Award of St. Petersburg “Golden Spotlight”. The program of the master class included exercises: on the development and training of attention, on the development of skills in muscle memory, on the foreboding and the generation of feelings, on teamwork, on coordination of movement; plastic exercises. Andrei Shimko noted the youngest participant in the master class - 4-year-old namesake Andrei: “This boy performed the exercise“ breathe music ”professionally and with soul.” The meeting was interesting and exciting.
In the evening, the central event - the official opening of the Festival - a gala concert of classical music "Russian Souvenir, which was opened by the director of the Belarusian Republican Theater for Young Spectators Igor Voronin, the art director of the Festival, the director - art director of the St. Petersburg State Drama Theater" Shelter of the Comedian "Viktor Minkov and Attache of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus Maria Donets, reading out a congratulatory letter to the participants and guests of the Festival from the Russian Ambassador in the Republic of Belarus A. A. Surikov: “… Today we can say with confidence that the project not only took place and brought together under its wing talented children from different regions of Russia, but also contributed to the harmonization of interethnic relations, the education of the younger generation ".
At a concert performed by young musicians - laureates and diploma winners of national and international competitions: Arseny and Vasily Kiryukhin, Timofei Yakhnov, Maria Pitirimova, Alisa Pastukhova, Alice Nurtdinova, Alexander Bolotin, Irina Bedoeva, Nikolai Vasilyev and Peter Gordeev - the piano pieces were sounded, violin and oboe: “Song of the Minstrel” by A. Glazunov, “Flight of the Bumblebee” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, “Pastoral” by E. Bozz, “Oboe by Gabriel” by E. Morricone, Concert piece on the theme of the song “Blanc-eyed Cossack” by M. Blanter (arr. V. Novi Cove), Concert C-dur I part by J. Haydn, “Polonaise Fantasy” by F. Chopin, “Capricious” by E. Elgar, “Dance of the Elves” by A. Bazzini, “Seasons: Winter” by A. Vivaldi, Sonata No. 4 A. Scriabin and Fantasy on themes from the opera The Golden Cockerel by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov - E. Tsimbalist.