Oscar Kacharov. Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory "1924 - 1942 - 2007"
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с 7 по 17 Мая
Галерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
Art and war is a global theme and subject to historical transformations and author’s reflection. Today, more than ever, it is important to turn to the documentary evidence of those years, the lively impressions of artists whose fate and work are associated with the war.
Biography of Oscar Kacharov - a finished plot for a movie or book. Graduation party, the next morning - the beginning of the war. He went to the front as a volunteer on the same day as his father. How many similar stories have already been told. But their repeatability does not devalue what they have experienced, they only strengthen the tragedy of the era. One trouble - one war.
Oscar Kacharov was born on May 11, 1924 in Kiev. In 1941 he graduated from a special secondary art school named after T.G. Shevchenko. June 21 was graduation evening, and at dawn on the 22nd - the first bombing. In 1942, he volunteered for the front and fought on the 1st Belorussky, was a mechanic of the air garrison, participated in the assault on Berlin.
The figures in the name of the exhibition are the artist’s life, in which the war determined fate and creativity.
There are lines in his post-war recordings: “I’m actually a staunch pacifist. He left as a volunteer at age 18… on the same day as his father. Just managed to finish art school… Once at the observation post I received a slap from the commander. Some report had to be done urgently, but I look and suddenly I see such a bright gap. “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel,” I say, “how beautiful!” Well, the head slam has earned. I need to see the beauty, especially since I went through this slaughter. " Today it is difficult to say what is more in this desire to see beauty everywhere - youthful vitality or the formed look of the artist.
Artists who painted during the war hardly thought of warning future generations. They recorded human life in inhuman conditions.
Kacharov’s front-line drawings, made in pencil on small pieces of paper, have been preserved. Now these full-scale sketches have acquired documentary value.
The exhibition will feature drawings and sketches by Oscar Kacharov, made during the war and later paintings, reflecting the history of his search for new means of expression, new color relationships, rhythms, geometry, plastics, paintings and graphics.
The exhibition runs from May 7 to 17 from 11:00 to 21:00
Free admission