"Organ, duduk and flute of Pan." Masterpieces of film music
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12 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday, March 12, 9 p.m.
Duration - 80 minutes.
Pan’s flute is an ancient Greek instrument born in the shadow of olive groves. Tied in a row, reed tubes remember the birth of our civilization… its ups… downs… The organ came from Pan’s flute. And, therefore, with all the timbre and dynamic difference, it continues the tradition of embodiment in harmony of sounds - the divine essence of nature. The organ is the highest manifestation of modern culture, its peak. With the voice of an organ, the planet is talking to the universe. Duduk is the very naturalness and organicness. After all, the soul of an apricot tree lives in it. Duduk’s voice is full of longing and hope. Listening to him, you can understand something long lost, but so important…
Three amazing instruments, united, sound in a concert. So - a meeting with a miracle.
Anton Rogozhin flute Pan
Khosrov Manukyan Armenian duduk
Imperialis orchestra
Artistic Director Taras Gusarov
Ivan Ipatov organ, piano
Elena Borisova organ
In the program: J. Caccini, I. S Bach, E. Magalif, J. Lust, E. Morricone, V. Cosma
- The evolution of the flute from ancient civilizations to the Middle Ages
- Vakhtangov Theater presented books about Lyudmila Maksakova and Rimas Tuminas