OPERA "NERON" A. Rubinstein
Automatic translate
22 Ноября
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
Emperor Nero - V. Maslakov (tenor).
Vindex - Y. Matruchenko (baritone).
Epikharisa - E. Maleeva (m-soprano).
Kriza - T. Zavalna (soprano).
Poppea - M.Rasstegaeva (soprano).
Tigellinus - H. Kirill (baritone).
Balbil - A. Aksyonov (bass).
In 1875, Rubinstein, a well-known composer and world-famous pianist, toured in Paris. European criticism was enthusiastic about his performing arts and respectful of his work. During the tour, Rubinstein received an order for the opera Nero, which was supposed to be staged by one of the Paris theaters. In a letter to his mother from Paris, the composer said: “This summer I have to work hard, because I got a libretto here, music for which should be finished by next winter.” The author of the libretto was the famous French librettist J. Barbier (1825-1901).
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