"A huge heart." To the 125th anniversary of Vladimir Mayakovsky
Automatic translate
5 Июля
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10

July 05, 18.30.
Speech-seminar of the employee of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" Alexei Nikolaevich Aleksandrov. The seminar will feature a one-man show in verses “The Great Heart”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Vladimir Mayakovsky.
Fragments of famous poems of the Great Poet will be heard:
- "A cloud in pants";
- "Flute of the spine";
- "Person";
- “I love”;
- "About it"…
You will also be able to get acquainted with the "Basic principles of the formation of reader reaction in the lyrics of the avant-garde." This material will be very useful to high school students studying the art of the twentieth century as part of the literature program, and to everyone who is interested in the work of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.
Duration - 1 hour. 100 rub
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