"Outstripping time." Victor Dynnikov, Adolf Garanin
Automatic translate
с 21 Декабря
по 15 ЯнваряЦентральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
Galleries ARS LONGA and EXPO-88, Andrey Berkenblit
present the exhibition:
Victor Dynnikov, Adolf Garanin
December 21, 2016 - January 15, 2017
Central House of Artists / Krymsky Val, 10, Hall №5 (2nd floor)
The exhibition presents the work of two artists - Adolf Garanin and Victor Dynnikov. An understanding of their work and widespread recognition came to them, and more precisely to us, their descendants and heirs only years after their death. Their fates are very similar. Deprived of the patronage of official structures, exhibitions and publications, the opportunity to earn their own art, they nevertheless led a rich creative life, working a lot and recklessly. Perhaps it was this isolation that allowed them to create their own distinctive manner, whose value, multiplied by the richness of their creative heritage, makes them, of course, a great phenomenon of modern pictorial culture.
Today we understand that they are full representatives of the Vladimir school of painting, the legislators of the new stage of its development. Attention to color, lyricism, the ability to see the poetics of everyday life - these are the traits that they voluntarily or involuntarily inherited from the founders of the Vladimir direction. At the same time, the diversity of pictorial predilections, a deeply personal look and independent writing style make them unlike not only their predecessors, but also each other.
Adolf Garanin (1937 - 2008)
He did not receive a serious art education, but thanks to the innate talent of the painter and the enormous work of raising his gift, A. Garanin achieved a lot. Acutely sensing the intentions guiding the world art process, in his work he was able to express the ongoing changes in art. The first personal exhibition of Adolf Garanin was held in Vladimerer in 2009, only after his death, leaving a nostalgic mood. Garanin’s works impress with their lightness, purity of color and clarity of form.
Adolf Garanin. Self portrait. 1969. Oil on cardboard, 48.5x35
Adolf Garanin. Workshops for repair. 1964. Oil on cardboard, 40x55
Adolf Garanin. In the old apartment. 1960. oil on cardboard, 44.5x58
Adolf Garanin. Still life with apples and tea. 1975. Karto, oil, 38x50
Victor Dynnikov (1939 - 2005)
After graduating from the Leningrad Academy of Arts, Victor Dynnikov arrived in Vladimir. However, his perception of the world did not fit well into the canons of the traditional "Vladimir school of landscape." The first solo exhibition in 1989 was closed, reproaching the artist for the fact that in his works there is too much “everyday life”. Despite the verdict of critics, he worked day after day frantically, finding and solving paintings that allowed color and plastic to express themselves as fully as possible.
Victor Dynnikov. Let’s talk. 1990s Cardboard, pastel, 54x40
Victor Dynnikov. Self portrait. 2002. Oil on canvas, 75x70
Victor Dynnikov. Jilly 2000. Hardboard, oil, 50х79
Victor Dynnikov. Bowl. 1991. Oil on canvas, 71x90
The name of Victor Dynnikov is already familiar to experts and lovers of fine art. 2 thick catalogs were published about his work, his solo exhibitions were held at the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Theater Art, and were repeatedly exhibited at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall and the Central House of Artists.
For A. Garanin, a personal exhibition at the Central House of Artists is the Moscow premiere. We are convinced that acquaintance with his work will bring true pleasure to everyone who appreciates true talents.