Automatic translate
с 13 Марта
по 8 АпреляТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Ul. Big Craft ": 4th floor, 18+
The exhibition project “Nudity: creating an image” is an attempt by four photographers to create an image of the “Mystery Woman”. Photographers, each in their own way, are looking for the embodiment of the allegory of beauty in their works.
First of all, the authors set themselves the task of showing that nudity is not the purpose of photography, but only a tool with which they transmit their artistic vision of the world. The viewer can finish the images with the help of imagination, his ideas about the Woman. All the photographs presented at the exposition are certain stories within which a plot takes place.
Photographers are united not only by a similar attitude and “feeling of beauty”, but also by their place in St. Petersburg that is significant for them. P. Bogachev, Y. Malikin, A. Smirnov and A. Shakhmin are representatives of the National Photo Club at the Vyborg Palace of Culture.
- Time travel at the Motives of Hellas exhibition in the Overcoming Center
- April 18 - May 6, 2012 Photo Club M-35. Group exhibition of art photography "In Reflection"
- M-35 photo club exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Moscow Zoo
- Exhibition of the photo club "Innovator". 55 years
- Creative meeting with photographer Mikhail Dashevsky
- Creative meeting with the master of "architectural landscape" Alexei Vasiliev