Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will take part in Bibliochi
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The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association invites citizens to join the All-Russian Cultural Event Biblionoch, which will be held not only in libraries, but also in Moscow’s regional art galleries on the night of April 24 – 25. Fans of reading are welcome in the galleries Belyaevo, Bogorodskoye, HERE on Taganka, Izmailovo, On Kashirka and in the Skolkovo gallery-workshop where exhibitions and performances, excursions and master classes, performances and Presentations of books devoted to the main theme of Biblionoch-2015: "Open the diary - catch the time."
To find a connection between literature (including diaries, memoirs and letters) and fine art, and feel the pulse of time, participants in the Library will be able to attend the Skolkovo gallery-workshop. Here at the exhibition “Less powerful rhymes for the word“ utopia ”” (as part of the residence “Media Poetical Machines”), guests will be introduced to media poetry. The authors of the exhibition explain: “Poetry is a utopia of language, and media poetry, combining the ease of speech and the materiality of new media, is an ideal way to construct a utopian space. To feel its materiality, you need to be in it, plunging into our exposition. ” The immersion will take place during the tour, which will be conducted by one of the authors of the exhibition, poet and media artist Anna Tolkacheva.
The theme of poetry will be continued by the Library Night program in the HERE on Taganka gallery , where the public will present a new poetry collection by Mikhail Iverov, Metekh Bridge (Voimega, 2014). Mikhail Iverov was born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1969, graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Kharkov University and became a poet whose poems were published in the magazines Znamya, Foma and the almanacs On the Hills of Georgia (Tbilisi), Eternity of Stone and Night Sky (Moscow). "Metekhi Bridge" is the poet’s lyric travel diary.
In the gallery "On Kashirka" we will also talk about travel diaries. But it will be photo diaries. The camera captures moments, but only talent and skill give the photographer the opportunity to capture the poetry of this time. Specialists of the gallery “On Kashirka” will tell the participants of the Library Night at the visiting master class “100 Steps to the Side”, which will be held in library No. 183 named after Dante Alighieri, about how to stop being a fixer and become an artist.
Another form of personal diary is letters. In the Bogorodskoye gallery, the famous performance artist and actor Sergei Pakhomov (Pakhom) will read the confessional story of A.P. Chekhov, written in the form of a letter, "Vanka." But the audience is waiting not just for a recitation session, but for the performance “Holotropic Reading”. The word "holotropic" in the name of the performance hints at the special meaning of this action: if during the sessions of "holotropic breathing" a person plunges into the depths of his own memory, then during the "holotropic reading" the reader plunges into the text, begins to perceive his meanings and submissions in a special way, intonation and rhythm, rethinking and giving the read a special personal sound. The performance with a letter by Vanka Zhukov will become part of Sergei Pakhomov’s exhibition “Pictures for Saatchi. Letters to the village of Grandfather ”, which these days takes place at the Bogorodskoye Gallery.
In the Izmailovo Gallery, viewers will be offered the performance of Alexander Uglov’s “Formula Cardano” - a kind of “diary” of events from the life of the great Italian mathematician and inventor Gerolamo Cardano, who discovered the world the formula for solving the cubic equation, the code lock scheme, cardan shaft and much more. The desire for a high social status is for Cardano a road to nowhere, the time "trapped" in the trap of glory, expires quickly, and now the "diary" is closed and life is over…
And in the Belyaevo Gallery, the guests of Biblionoch will be invited to become participants in the artistic action “We are writing the Encyclopedia of Victory” and open a “diary” of a completely different kind - the diary of national glory, the diary of our victory, the diary whose glorious and tragic pages need to be re-read again and again. If you do not forget to open this “diary”, our pride and admiration for the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers will never die, well, the tragic time caught in it will never happen again.
Open the diary and catch time in the galleries of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association in this Biblio…
Association Library Program:
Time | Gallery and address | Title | ||
19.30 | Bogorodskoye Open highway, 5, building 6 | "Holotropic Reading" by Pakhom | ||
19.30 | Izmailovo Izmailovsky passage, 4 | The play "Formula Cardano" Less powerful rhymes for "utopia" Love story diary DiaryBlackoutSes sion. Master class by Andrey Cherkasov The play "Formula Cardano" | ||
20.00 | “On Kashirka” visiting master class in library No. 183 named after Dante Alighieri st. Builders, d.8 k.2 | Master class "100 steps to the side" | ||
18:00 | Belyaevo Trade Union, 100 |
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3 p.m. | Skolkovo Visiting workshop Krylatsky Hills, 34 | Literature Plus: Facsimile Bridge Moscow - Ulan-Ude | ||
6 p.m. | Skolkovo Visiting workshop Children’s Library IN AND. Dahl. st. Belovezhskaya, 39, building 3 | Master class for children and adults “Sky. City. Person" | ||
18.00 and 22.00 | Skolkovo Skolkovo highway, 32, building 2 | Less powerful rhymes for "utopia" | ||
20.00 | Skolkovo Visiting workshop Library named after Pasternak. Belovezhskaya, d. 53, bldg. 2 | Love story diary | ||
21.15 | Skolkovo Visiting workshop Krylatsky Hills, 34 | DiaryBlackoutSes sion. Master class by Andrey Cherkasov | ||
19:00 | "HERE on Taganka" st. Taganskaya, d.31 / 22
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer. ПоделитьсяПоделиться ссылкой в соцсетях: |