Not too serious about art - online intensive courses Pushkin. Youth
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с 1 по 31 Декабря
Главное здание ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина
ул. Волхонка, 12
Dates: December 1, 2, 3, 4 (Tuesday - Friday) and December 10, 13, 17, 20 (on Thursdays and Sundays)
Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkina opens a set for online intensives in the history of art, which are curated by the youth direction Pushkinsky. Youth. Each intensive is a series of four 2-hour meetings dedicated to one topic. All classes are held in a seminar format: participants answer questions, complete assignments and participate in discussions. Usually events in the framework of the Pushkin direction. Youth are designed for high school students and students of 1-3 courses, but intensives will be interesting to anyone who wants to talk about art not too seriously.
Online Intensive Program:
"When was all this?"
The intensive is suitable for those who find it difficult to memorize dates, who are frightened when they hear the question: "The Renaissance - what centuries are these?" In four sessions, participants will be able to get an idea of the chronological order of the most important events in European history, they will understand why they really need to know when a particular historical event happened, they will learn a few simple rules that will make memorizing dates easier, and make their own "timeline" of events that are important and interesting to themselves.
Dates of the online intensive: 1, 2, 3, 4 December (Tuesday - Friday)
Classes start at 16:00
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"Who are all these people?
Has it ever happened that, standing in front of a picture in a museum or stumbling upon it on Google, you asked yourself: what is happening here? Who is it? What are they talking about?
These questions are absolutely logical. To understand fine art (for example, ancient Greek or Renaissance), you need to know quite a few names and plots: mythological, historical, biblical… In four lessons of this intensive you will learn a few simple rules that will help you figure out who is depicted in the picture, even if you’ve never seen this character before.
Dates of the online intensive: December 10, 13, 17, 20 (on Thursdays and Sundays)
Classes start at 17:00 (on Thursdays) and at 16:00 (on Sundays).
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What did the Impressionists come up with?
The classes will be interesting for those who like to look at the paintings of the Impressionists in Pushkin and, perhaps, even put on the screensaver of the phone a favorite painting by Claude Monet.
In four meetings, you will learn how very different masters came together and made a real revolution in art, learn to distinguish between paintings by different impressionist artists and understand what exactly makes them so amazingly bright. And after the intensive you can easily explain to your friends who Pissarro and Cassette are and why impressionism is not a style.
Online Intensive Dates: Winter 2021
Why all these "-ISMS"?
As part of the course, we will try to figure out how various artistic trends appeared in European art of the 20th century. Let’s find out who invented Fauvism, Dadaism, Surrealism and other "-isms". What role did critics play in this, and what role did artists and spectators play. Let’s look at the history of art of the 20th century through the eyes of those who interpreted it as a theorist, and those who were a direct participant in artistic events. The permanent exhibition of the museum will become a platform for research into how the system of studying and classifying art of the 20th century developed, which remains dominant today. In four lessons we will have time to write our own artistic manifesto, compile a table of the main "-isms" and create an alternative chronology of Western European art of the 20th century.
Online Intensive Dates: Winter 2021
Online intensive classes are held at Zoom, participants will receive links to conferences by mail.
The cost of a subscription for any special course is 3200 rubles.
Detailed information about the intensives at the link:
- Scenic Intensive - 2014
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