Christmas fairy tale about Emelya, who found his happiness (3+)
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с 26 Декабря
по 10 ЯнваряВоронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55
December 26th
from January 2 to 10
at 11:00 and 14:00
"Voronezh State Academic Drama Theater. A. Koltsova ”invites children and parents to the“ New Year’s fairy tale about Emelya, who found his happiness ”by O. Nikiforova.
Did you know that a pike is not just a fish, but a Snow Maiden, only enchanted? But Emelya doesn’t just ride on the stove, but is he looking for his own happiness?
Every desire of Emelya is fulfilled by a pike. Yes, this is not always good, because a person himself must obtain his own happiness. And if he gets it, he will make others happy too.
Will Emelya find happiness? Will the Snow Maiden be upset? Will the heroes save the New Year? You will learn all this by visiting the New Year’s fairy tale of the Voronezh Drama Theater named after Koltsova "At my command."
“At My command” - a modern re-enactment of the classic fairy tale about Emelya, using video projections and interactive elements, which makes the play interesting not only for children but also for adults.
Inquiries by phone: (473) 255-54-72
Tickets are sold at the box office at 55, Revolution Ave., from 10 to 20.
on the website;;;;
We are also pleased to inform you that now there is an opportunity to buy tickets without leaving facebook. To purchase a ticket, go to the “Buy ticket” tab or click on the link below
https: // www. facebook. com / voronezhdrama / app_691088064237254
as well as in our official VKontakte group http: // vk. com / dramavrn
Now it’s even easier to purchase tickets.
Collective applications by phone: 8-919-248-52-86
The beginning of performances of the New Year’s fairy tale:
December 26 11.00,14.00
December 27 11.00,14.00
December 28, 11.00
January 2-10, 2016 at 11. 00 and 14. 00.
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