"Night at the Museum." Evgeny Semenov’s project "What would it mean? / Book of complaints and suggestions /"
Automatic translate
21 Мая
Поволжское отделение Российской академии художеств
Лаврушинский пер., д. 15
On the night of May 21 from 18:00 to 06:00 in the exhibition hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts (Lavrushinsky per., 15), the Creative Union of Russian Artists presents the project “What would it mean?” By Evgeny Semenov / Book of complaints and suggestions / "
The project involves an interactive action, the purpose of which is to create a relevant work of art, where the viewer is an equal participant. The visitor is invited to reflect on various art objects that have their clear place in the history of Russian art, in an unpredictably unexpected way. The situation associated with the ever-increasing information richness and natural utilization of the past and the loss of past meanings creates a creative space.
Next to the presented works, which relate mainly to the Moscow conceptual school: Yuri Albert, Vladimir Dubosarsky, Alexander Vinogradov, Yuri Anufriev, Alexander Mareev, Igor Makarevich, Arkady Nasonov, Vladimir Pivovarov, Pavel Pepperstein, Kolesnikov / Denisov and others, who came to the exhibition, directly on the wall next to works, pencil, felt-tip pen or with the help of other materials, can become an accomplice in a new aesthetic space, where the original work is only a composite part of a real-time cultural site.
In fact, it is proposed to carry out a humanitarian and artistic action "to find your singer", to those who wish to enter into eternity and disappearing reality.
Based on the results of the incident, the necessary artistic and scientific reflection and documentation will be made.
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