Overnight at the Mad Tea Party Museum. Gallery "On Kashirka"
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18 Мая
Галерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5

MAY 18, 2019 / 16.00 - 23.00.
Exhibition “It’s Always Tea-Time”, 6+
International exhibition. Graphics, illustration, art dolls.
The partner of the exhibition is the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in the Russian Federation.
Exhibition "And the shadows of childhood will subside…", 6+
Exhibition for the anniversary of the famous curator Vitaly Patsyukov. Painting, graphics.
16.00 - 18.00 / LEFT HALL, WORKSHOP
Children’s program "Kettle-chief" (for schoolchildren, as well as preschoolers with parents)
Fun mini-quest “With easy tea!”, Contests for the most original paint drawings and models of a plasticine teapot, festive tea recipes, new tea names and composed tongue twisters. The program is conducted by experienced and professional educators. Come to have fun with your whole family, take interesting photos for your personal album and take away souvenirs!
16.00 - 23.00 / “ALICE’S ROOM”
Installations, interactive zones and objects
The entrance to Alice’s room, as it should be in a fairy tale, begins with the “rabbit hole”. Do not be alarmed, feel free to go backstage into the paradoxical world of the heroine of a fairy tale. Look in the keyhole, here it is! What is there? Knows the artist Diana Mayorova. Jump on Alice’s bed while she is drinking tea. What remains after a tea party? A graduate of the British Higher School of Design Polina Fesan has prepared an environmental project that allows you to look from an unusual angle on this pleasant pastime.
Installation of Maria Kalmykova and Maxim Protsenko (M + M) “Spoons-Forks”
An unusual installation of giant cutlery is an excellent occasion for interesting and crazy photos.
Installation of Maria Kiseleva "Transformation"
At the entrance to the gallery, guests will be greeted by a huge blue caterpillar from the fairy-tale world of Alice, which can be hugged and photographed as a keepsake.
Photo corner "Tea with a cat"
Become a character in the famous work of B. M. Kustodiev "Merchant’s wife at tea."
Flash Mob "Down the Rabbit Hole"
Drawing comics and characters from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" on a roll of paper lying or sitting on the floor. Tea bag pillows included.
Screening of the American film Alice in Wonderland (1933)
Cast: Gary Cooper and Carey Grant, script - Joseph Makeevich, music - Dmitry Temkin.
18.00 - 20.00 / LEFT HALL
Face painting for everyone
Students of the "Make-up and design of the performance" department of the Moscow Art Theater and Technical College will perform.
18.00 - 23.00 / ALL HALLS
Quest "Every minute counts"
Our time is fleeting, but in Alice’s crazy world, time is a loose concept. This evening you can take your time and count all the hours hidden by the rabbit in the gallery. The most attentive will receive a prize.
Point drawing
Creative task for those who do not know how to draw.
Crazy catwalk in hats from Doodle (Hatter)
You can try on huge flower hats and take unforgettable photos in the surroundings of the exhibition.
18.00 - 20.00 / HALL
Master class "I will draw your portrait"
Artist Gayane Dobrovolskaya will draw your cartoon with a cup of tea in hand. Join the general “tea party”.
Master class "Crazy Drawing"
Drawing with eyes closed, drawing with the left (right) hand, drawing with a felt-tip pen on a stick or inverted. All these types of activity are aimed at “leaving the comfort zone”, developing an extraordinary creative approach and an exciting pastime. The master class is conducted by graduates of the British Higher School of Design: Maria Kiseleva, Maria Smirnova, Polina Fesan.
18.00 - 22.00 / RIGHT HALL
Game library from the MOSIGRA company
The largest network of board games stores in Europe, Mosigra, will hold a game library with animators who select games and teach them how to play. Games for every mood for all ages.
18.30 - 19.30 / WORKSHOP
Master class “Open for tea”
A dancing still life in the style of overlepping. Conducted by an employee of the State Tretyakov Gallery Tatyana Titova.
18.30 - 20.30 / LIBRARY
Weaving workshop “Mini Tapestry”
Conducted by a graduate of MGHPA im. S.G. Stroganova Elena Hanykova.
19.00 - 20.00 / LEFT HALL
Master class by Diana Shpazhnikova “Painting with coal”
Drawing with soft material.
19.00 - 21.00 / LEFT HALL
Performance by artist Elena Umutbaeva "Dress for Alice"
Team work on decorating dresses for Alice on a mannequin, painting paper plates.
19.00 - 22.00 / BAR
The action "Time to drink tea"
Tea party for guests. The main thing - do not forget to take the “tea card” at the entrance. Sweets provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in the Russian Federation.
20.00 - 21.00 / LEFT HALL
Miss Jazz Orchestra Music Program
The creative team of the CC Moskvorechye will perform a jazz program. There are only girls in jazz! The head is Alexander Karmazin.
21.30 - 22.00 / LEFT HALL
Win-win lottery “Pull luck by the ears”
For the most patient guests, a lottery with prizes at the end of the evening.
22.00 - 23.00 / RIGHT HALL
Board games for those who want to "Translate the arrows!" (Danets, start-ups, activites, kluedo, etc.)
Game instructors: Yuri Kuzmin, Irina Kozlova, Artyom and Svetlana Golev.
Music program "WIPEOUT"
DJ set. Electronic music Techno / House.
All events of the program are free!
* Changes, additions and surprises are possible in the program.
- Spot as an expressive element of decorative painting
- Museum Night 2017 at the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts!