Night at the Museum 2015. Exhibition "Traveling in Stopped Time"
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The name and format of the event is “Journey in a Stopped Time”, a family album
The time of the event is May 16, 2015 18:00 - 22:00
Description of the event: Our brain stores only information about the paths to a particular event from a lived life. For each time interval or a memorable event, the brain assigns a special identification path - a hyperlink. Subsequently, the brain finds this event in the information field and reproduces it. Like a computer, the brain classifies life events according to a number of signs. About such events they say that these are bright events in life. The theme of war and victory is dominant today. The dominant design of the exhibition space will be the Moscow apartment in 1941. In front of the window is a table with a kerosene lamp, books, letters, photographs of peaceful life. The background is the music of past years. Ball of Memories - Our Victory, our Moscow lives! Presenter: Elena Shtol - writer, psychologist, teacher (Germany), invited guests: Hero of Russia Kostin Viktor Konstantinovich - memories of his childhood, poet and songwriter Vladimir Ilyichev (poems by Tvardovsky, Simonov and others about the war), the artist VLAM with mono-exhibition, as well Students of the “Territory of Talented People” Studio
Target audience (and age requirement) - 12+
Place: Gallery-workshop "Varshavka"
Address: Warsaw highway, 72, building 2
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