"Night at the Museum" 2015 Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow"
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On May 16, as part of the All-Russian Cultural Action “Night at the Museum 2015”, the galleries of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association invite citizens to open exhibitions, local history tours, master classes, performances, meetings with artists, film screenings, and much more.
The special program “Where are the tracks leading to?” In each exhibition hall has been prepared in accordance with its specialization and at the same time is designed for the widest audience. In the galleries of the Association a lot of interesting things for themselves will find both fans of academic and contemporary art, both supporters of tradition and amateurs of experiments.
In the year of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, many exhibitions are held in the galleries of the Association dedicated to a significant date, and certain events of the museum night will be dedicated to this date.
An excursion to the three-minute war media exhibition built on the military newsreel will take place at the GRAUND Peschanaya gallery and workshop , and the Veterans. Photo exhibition will be available at the Pechatniki gallery . Foreshortening. Printers. "
Visitors to the Varshavka Gallery Workshop will be invited to a 1941 styled Moscow apartment. From here, all participants of the museum night will go on a “journey in a stopped time” together with psychologist and writer Elena Stoll, who will open to the audience the world of memories and self-reflection of the descendants of German soldiers, the world of their pain and guilt.
The year of Russian literature, announced this year, dictates yet another important theme, “Nights at the Museum”. In the Belyaevo Gallery, guests will find a unique program dedicated to the poetry of Joseph Brodsky: the opening of the exhibition “The Path of the Language: Forest Beast of Joseph Brodsky”, a poetic fashion show by young designers and students of Moscow State University of Architecture and Architecture, the performance of Brodsky’s poems by Pavel Mikhailov and, undoubtedly, the most important the event "Nights in Belyaevo" - a creative meeting with the outstanding poet of our time, Eugene Rain.
Another exhibition dedicated to I. Brodsky will open on a museum night in the 21st Century Gallery - guests will enjoy an interactive tour of the Brodsky Landscapes exposition and a live music concert in the soundscaping style.
Another literary hero of Nights at the Museum will be Daniel Harms. In the gallery "On Kashirka" , where the exhibition "Daniil Harms. Museum in Cuba ”,“ The Alphabet of the Absurd ”and“ The Prophecies of Albert Robida ”, there will be excursions and meetings with artists, a fun lesson of literary absurdity for children and master classes and interactive games for guests of all ages,“ Fantastic Appliance ”: with artists night visitors to the Kashirka Gallery themselves will be able to create works of art dedicated to Daniil Kharms.
In the Skolkovo gallery-workshop, which pays special attention to media poetry, Anna Tolkacheva’s interactive performance “RSL. The color of poetry. "
One of the most important tasks set by the team of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association is to develop an interest in local history. On a museum night in the Bogorodskoye and Izmailovo galleries, guests will be offered to go beyond the confined space of the exhibition hall and walk through the streets, squares and courtyards of the museum of such an acquaintance, which is actually completely unknown to most of its inhabitants. On the evening of May 16, employees of the Bogorodskoye galleries will conduct the first excursion from the future cycle “Walking Around Moscow” along the route from Rokossovsky Boulevard to Izmailovo. Visitors to the gallery of the same name will be able to study in detail the old Izmailovo. At the end of the excursions, tea drinking is waiting for all beginning local historians.
In its own way, the theme of local lore will be revealed in the Nagornaya gallery, here on a museum night a presentation of the research project Kotlovka. Cultural Capital ”and an interactive game will be held dedicated to the Nagorny District and its inhabitants.
The theme of local lore is also peculiarly continued in the Vykhino art hall. Museum night in Vykhino will be dedicated to habitat transformation. After all, they are sure here that having changed their apartment, entrance, courtyard for the better, people are changing their area, city, country for the better. In the “Night of Museums”, an art and educational project “New Designer Dictionary” will open in the art hall, an excursion to the exhibition, an interactive performance “Design - Workshop” and tea drinking will take place, during which everyone can ask specialists questions related to design.
And in the Solntsevo art center, guests will be offered to go from the transformation of the outer space to the transformation of the inner world. On a museum night in the project “Letters from the Labyrinth”, Solntsevo guests will first be introduced to Johannes Itten’s methods (Bauhaus school), and then a collective role-playing reading of stories about Friedl’s artistic experience and art therapy (fragments of letters, diaries, memoirs).
And, of course, an extensive program awaits lovers of contemporary art and media art at the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association. The “Electric Museum in Rostokino” invites everyone to an interactive tour of Dmitry Morozov’s highly acclaimed “Devices” exhibition aka :: vtol ::
In the HERE on Taganka gallery on the opening day of the Side Effect exhibition, nine Moscow artists will present their 3D experiences in 3D: Egor Plotnikov, Galia Sadarova, Dmitry Samodin, Natalya Sitnikova, Nikolai Smirnov, Alexey Spirenkov, Irina Filatova, Maxim Kharlov, Rustam Sherifzyanov.
In the gallery "On Shabolovka" will open the exhibition "Castañeda" - a collective exhibition of contemporary artists, building their personal, private, parallel reality. Each visitor of the exhibition will be able to build his personal world and even a planet from balls, scotch tape, polystyrene foam, cardboard and other improvised materials during the master class “Give me another globe!”. And those who want to create their own musical worlds are waiting for an open lesson from the DJ Flashback DJ school (Vyacheslav Mylnikov).
Fans of Moscow conceptualism, which laid the "beginnings" of contemporary Russian art , are invited to the Peresvetov Lane gallery . Here will be a tour of the conceptualist Dmitry Salautin’s exhibition “New Drawings” and a program of the legendary parallel cinema that arose in the mid-1980s among Moscow conceptualism.
Interesting film screenings are also awaiting guests of the museum night at the LOCATION on Timiryazevskaya gallery. The program includes films by famous documentaries Ivan Tverdovsky ("Grumant. Island of Communism") and Elena Demidova ("Male Choice").
In the Pechatniki gallery, viewers will be able to watch the Black and White Cinema. Not a static composition. ”
And lovers of the modern theater will be happy to meet in the gallery-workshop GRAUND Peschanaya , where the open display of the Laboratory of the Physical Theater Museum in Motion will take place.
The modern museum is in constant motion, it is changing, it is very different. And one of the evidences of this is the program “Nights at the Museum” of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association.
Izmailovo Gallery (Izmailovsky proezd str., 4, metro Izmaylovskaya) | Evening walk in the old district of Izmailovo; Scientific and cognitive master classes in the workshop of science and creativity for children and adults. | 18.00 - 20.00 Free, 0+ |
Bogorodskoye Gallery (Open Highway, 5, building 6, metro Rokossovsky Boulevard) | Local history tour "Walking around Moscow" (the first of a series of excursions) : 1 part (1.5-2 hours) - route of the metro station Rokossovsky Boulevard - metro Cherkizovskaya; Part 2 (1 - 1.5 hours) - continuation of the route in the Izmailovo district; | 17.00 - 21.00 Free, 0+ |
века Gallery of the twentieth century | "Landscapes of Brodsky" Opening of the exhibition Concert of live music in the style of “soundscaping”; Interactive tour of the Art Workshop and the Museum of Doll History Gallery of the 21st Century. | 20.00 - 24.00 Free, 12+ |
Art Hall "Vykhino" | Art and educational project “New Designer Dictionary” Exhibition opening and excursion; Interactive performance "Design - workshop"; Tea party Music programm. | 17.00 - 22.00 Free, 6+ |
Gallery "Belyaevo" | “The path of the tongue: the forest beast of Joseph Brodsky” Opening of the exhibition; Creative meeting with the poet Eugene Rein (18.00 - 19.30); Poetic fashion show from young designers-stud nts MGUDT (20.00 - 21.30); The performance of Pavel Mikhailov "Retweet of Brodsky’s poems" (22.00 - 23.30). | 18.00 - 23.30 Free, 12+ |
Gallery-workshop “Varshavka” (Warsaw highway, 72, building 2, metro Warsaw) | Journey in a Stopped Time, family album : Opening of the exhibition, memories of the military childhood of the heroes of the meeting, songs, poems; Meeting with guests of the exhibition in a stylized Moscow apartment in 1941; Host of the meeting: Elena Shtol - writer, psychologist, teacher (Germany). | 18.00 - 22.00 Free, 18+ |
Gallery-workshop “Skolkovo” (Skolkovo sh., D. 32, box 2, metro Kuntsevskaya) | “RSL. The color of poetry. " Anna Tolkacheva : Interactive performance of Anna Tolkacheva; Excursion with artists at the exhibition "Inspiration + Algorithm". | 18.00 - 23.00 Free, 12+ |
Gallery "Nagornaya" | An evening of words and music: Classical music concert (18.00 - 19.00); Presentation of the research project "Kotlovka. Cultural Capital" (19.00 -19.30); Interactive event about the area and its inhabitants. | 19.00 - 20.00 Free, 12+ |
Pechatniki Gallery (Batyuninskaya St., 14, metro station Pechatniki) | Excursions and film screenings: Tour of the exhibition "Conciseness"; Photo exhibition “Veterans. Perspective Printers "; Project “Black and white documentary. Not a static composition. ” | 11.00 - 21.00 Free, 0+ |
Art Center "Solntsevo" (Bogdanova St., 44, metro station South-West) | The project "Letters from the Maze": Acquaintance with Johannes Itten’s techniques; Joint role-playing reading of stories about artistic experience and art therapy Friedl together with the children’s theater "Domino" MDC "Solntsevo"; Quest. | 18.00 - 20.00 Free, 0+ |
Gallery "HERE on Taganka" | Vernissage of the exhibition "Side Effect". Excursions from the participants of the exhibition project: Acquaintance with Moscow artists; Authors will present their experiences in 3D in the gallery. | 18.00-24.00 Free, 0+ |
"PLACE on Timiryazevskaya" | Film screenings, meetings with directors: Screening of the documentary film Elena Demidova “Male Choice”, discussion with the director (18.00 -20.00); Screening of the documentary film by Ivan Tverdovsky “Grumant. The Island of Communism ”(20.00 -22.00). | 18.00 - 22.00 Free, 12+ |
"Electric Museum in Rostokino" | Exhibition "Devices" by Dmitry Morozov aka :: vtol :: Interactive tour of the exhibition. | 19.00 - 20.00 Free, 0+ |
Gallery "On Shabolovka" (Serpukhov Val, d. 24, box 2, metro Shabolovka) | Exhibitions, excursions, art project: Group exhibition “Castañeda” (18.00 - 20.00); Exhibition project “Inhabitants of the Stone Jungle” (18:00 - 20.00); Art process “Give me another globe!” (19.00-20.00) | 18.00-20.00 Free, 0+ |
Gallery "Peresvetov Lane" | Tour of the exhibition, master class on DJing and film screenings: Tour of Denis Salautin’s exhibition "New Drawings" as part of the XL PROJECTS paper-only program (18.00 - 19.00); An open lesson from the DJing school for everyone from DJ Flashback (18.00-20.00); The film program "Legends of parallel cinema." Screening of films of the Soviet underground cinema, which originated in the 1980s (21.00 - 23.00). | 18.00 - 23.00 Free, 0+ |
Gallery "On Kashirka" (Akademika Millionshchikova St., 35, building 5, metro Kashirskaya) | Excursion to exhibitions, master classes, interactive games, meeting with artists: Interactive Exhibition Tours “Daniel Harms. Museum in Cuba ”,“ The ABC of the Absurd ” , "Prophecies of Albert Robida"; Meeting with artists; A fun literary lesson for children; Master class "Fantastic device". | 18.00 - 24.00 Free, 0+
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