"Night at the gallery"
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10 Июня
Галерея В. Бронштейна
ул. Октябрьской Революции, д. 3
June 10 at 21:00 in the framework of the exhibition of lithographs by Marc Chagall “Message of the light” , acting in the "Gallery of V. Bronstein" until June 13, will be held "Night in the gallery."
The main topic of the tour will be the amazing love story of Marc Chagall and his wife Bella Rosenfeld. The exhibition itself is dedicated to the late period of the great artist, when he turned to the technique of lithography. The exhibition presents about 50 works, including one of the most significant graphic series of the master - illustrations for the Bible.
Yana Chernykh, gallery project coordinator: “Within the framework of the all-Russian“ Museum Night, ”we already conducted a“ night ”tour of the exhibition of lithographs. This time they decided to invite visitors to look at the art of Marc Chagall from a different angle, let’s say, more personal. The whole event, one way or another, will be connected with the history of relations between the artist and his wife. Even during the preparation of the exhibition, collecting information for the project, we were all fascinated by this story, I hope that we will be able to captivate the guests of the evening with it too. ”
In addition to the tour, the guests of the evening are expected to have thematic contests and a photo zone, a platform for creativity and a real flower shop of the famous florist Anna Karban-Alisova. The evening will end in one of the halls of the gallery watching a feature film about the relationship of the great artist and his muse.
Events of this format, being a traditional part of large gallery exhibition projects, usually involve a detailed tour of the exposition, refreshments and drinks, and all kinds of thematic entertainment. For the first time the event took place in the last days of the exhibition project “Soul of Asia” (June-September 2015).
Tickets cost 300 rubles. Advance booking of tickets by phone: (3952) 75-60-30. Limited number of seats.
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