The night is bright
Automatic translate
30 Апреля
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
April 30 at 19.00
The night is bright
Musical and poetic fantasy, composed of the best Russian romances and poems of the golden age of Russian poetry.
Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Varlamov, Gurilev, Alyabyev created magnificent romances based on poems by Pushkin, Baratynsky, Lermontov and other authors. The Petersburg Concert soloists will perform the best romances of the 19th century, and the famous St. Petersburg drama actor Vitaly Taks will read beautiful lyrical poems.
laureate of international competitions Tamara Marchenko (mezzo-soprano)
Laureate of international competitions Svetlana Taneeva (soprano)
Anatoly Lomunov (tenor)
Laureate of international competitions Natalya Kapustina (flute)
Laureate of international competitions Anna Korzun (piano)
The concert is conducted by Vitaliy Taks
Beginning at 19 hours
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