Museum Night 2017 at the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts!
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For the eleventh time, our museum joins the international “Night of Museums” campaign and opens its doors to all comers until late evening on May 20, 2017!
Over the years, we have developed good traditions of holding this main museum festival of the year. Its goal is to make our guests have an unforgettable and vivid experience and would like to come to the museum again and again! Therefore, the program of the Night, as always, is rich and varied, designed for all ages and tastes! The action “Museum Night 2017 will last until 22. 00 and will be held as in Kaluga (three buildings: the main one is the Bilibin-Chistokletovs estate (104 Lenina St.); Information and Education and Exhibition Center (103 Lenina St.); Museum glass A. Zelya (Lenin St., 116), as well as in our branches - the Mosalsky art gallery (until 8 p.m.) and the Ulyanovsk art gallery.
In Kaluga, holiday events will be held at two addresses at once:
St. Lenin, 104 (building of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts):
From 14.00 to 21.30 work:
- main exposition and “An exhibition of one picture: D. A. Shcherbinovsky“ Self-portrait ”
- exhibition "I. K. Aivazovsky. Masterpieces of painting ”(2nd floor of the permanent exhibition)
- Exhibition “Andy Warhol. Graphics "(exhibition hall in the south wing)
- exhibition-sale "Kaluga art souvenir" (northern wing)
- museum quests and quizzes at the information kiosk
- PHOTO ANGLE “I am at the easel” - for those who wish to appear in the image of an artist!
14.30; 15.30; 16.30 - CHILDREN’S ART PLACE "Little - about great artists" 0+ Children listen to stories about the great Russian artists - A. Savrasov, K. Korovin or Z. Serebryakova, and then create their own masterpieces in their style! (ground floor)
AT 15.00; 16.00; 6 p.m.; 19.00 - entertaining and educational program for adults and children "Art illusion" CHARMED SEA "- about the life and work of the great Russian marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky (2nd floor) 6+
In the courtyard of the museum:
From 19.00 to 21.00 - the art action "Warhol-Print: from Lenin to Marilyn Monroe!" (At the entrance to the Andy Warhol exhibition). Each participant will take a handmade souvenir in the style of the founding father of pop art! 6+
From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. - THE CONCERT "ALL MUSES AT THE GUEST FOR US":
17.00 - 19.00 - a brass band and soloists of the Kaluga Regional College of Music named after S. I. Taneeva.
19.00 - 20.00 - Kaluga Dixieland, one of the leading professional jazz groups in the city, plays.
20.00 - 21.00 - the Nihao Klezmer Band (Kaluga) plays. Their skate is traditional klezmer music, which combines Jewish and Balkan roots, solo instruments - clarinet and violin.
21.30 - 22.00 - virtual show "MUSEUM AT THE FACADE".
Information, educational and exhibition center (ul. Lenin, 103):
From 14.00 to 21.30 the following exhibitions are open:
- “Light and Air” by V. Diffine-Christie (Russian Impressionism)
- Regional exhibition-competition "Native, close, own…"
- "Decorative and applied art of the DPRK"
- Historical and art exhibition "Under the sky of Bizerte"
- Exhibition of ceramics E. Yu. Krasko "Image Search"
At 15.00 - lecture "SECRETS OF EXAMINATION": specialists of the Scientific Research Independent Expertise named after P. M. Tretyakova (Moscow) will tell you fascinatingly about how a scientific examination of the authenticity of works of art is carried out (red hall).
The program “KALUGA PARTY”:
Hey, good people! Do you have to sit at home today and look out the window? Do you fog today, be sad and be sad! Ida in the museum room to get acquainted with Russian folk art, traditions and customs!
MASTER CLASSES for children and adults (blue, red hall):
15.00; 19.00 - “Decorative panel from straws”
17.00 - 20.00 - “Khludnev toy”
6 p.m.; 20.00 - “Amusing sheets:“ Cat Kazan, mind Astrakhan; Paramoshka and Savoska played cards "
The Kaluga folk ensemble "Grove" and the children’s folk ensemble "Kolokoltsy" (the leader is Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation T. A. Sitko) are performing.
May 20, the entrance to the museum, to exhibitions and events, to the A. Zelya Museum of Glass:
from 14.00 to 21.30 on entrance tickets.
Phone for inquiries: 56-28-30; 56-38-20.
- Overnight at the Mad Tea Party Museum. Gallery "On Kashirka"
- “Rules” by Cynthia Lord
- "Oranges in the Blue Aspen" - painting by Valentina Diffine-Christie in Yekaterinburg
- Agatha Christie’s collection of recipes for poisonous dishes
- In the museum to them. Vrubel opened exhibition of works by the artist Diffine-Christie "Light and Air"
- Exhibition of Valentina Mikhailovna Difine-Christi "Light and Air"