Night of museums-2017 in the Irkutsk "V. Bronstein Gallery"
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20 Мая
Галерея В. Бронштейна
ул. Октябрьской Революции, д. 3
May 20, 2017 from 21:00 to 00:00 in the Irkutsk "V. Bronstein Gallery" residents and guests of the city will enjoy a rich entertainment program called "Breathe Art!" As part of the all-Russian action "Museum Night".
During the evening, the doors of all exhibition halls will be open. Visitors will be able to see a permanent exhibition with sculptures by Dasha Namdakova and author’s dolls of his family, as well as a personal exhibition of graphic artist Tatyana Gromyko and the new exhibition project “Breathe” with paintings by Alexandra Dugarova.
Guests of the gallery will be able to get in touch with various types of art, observe the creative processes and even become their direct participants - this is precisely the main idea of the event. Famous florist artist Anna Karban will create installations from fresh flowers based on the works of existing exhibitions. The audience will have the opportunity not only to see the result of her work, but also to observe the creation process. The art venue traditional for such events will work in an expanded format: children and adults will enjoy creative workshops, thematic puzzles, puzzles, contests and quests in the exhibition halls.
The culmination of the evening is a vivid plastic performance with the participation of artists from the dance theater of Vladimir Lopaev "PROdvizhenie". Visitors will become not only spectators, but also full-fledged participants in the theatrical performance, and what exactly it will consist of, will become known only during the event.
Yana Chernykh, project coordinator of the “V. Bronstein Gallery”: “The very idea of a grandiose performance, and in fact a flash mob in the gallery’s halls, we hatched for a long time and finally decided to implement it. All spectators will be able to participate, and thanks to the artists from the theater of Vladimir Lopaev, a real mini-performance should be obtained. I think the very fact of participating in such a flash mob will remain in the memory of everyone for a long time. ”
A special atmosphere during the evening will be created by thematic photo zones, signature drinks and cocktails, cotton candy and desserts. The evening ends with a stylish DJ set performed by Grigory Yakupov.
Tickets cost 300 rubles (for adults), 250 rubles (for children 3-18 years old). Advance booking by phone: (3952) 75-60-30 or (3952) 66-55-06.
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