Night of Arts at the Irkutsk Art Museum
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с 3 по 4 Ноября
The All-Russian action "Night of Arts" will be held on November 3 and 4 at the Irkutsk Art Museum. As in previous years, the slogan of events is “Art unites”, and the action itself is dedicated to the national holiday - National Unity Day, celebrated in Russia since 2005.
Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. This year, Sukacheva will hold the “Night of Arts” for two days, so that as many Irkutsk citizens as possible can attend the cultural event. So, festive events will start on November 3 at 18.00 in the Estate V.P. Sukachev and will last until 22.00. Visitors are waiting for the opening of Salvador Dali’s “Cryptography” exhibition, where you can see several famous graphic series from private collections; presentation of the exposition “Haita is the property of Siberia”, which its author, Olga Vakhrusheva, ceramic artist of the Khaitinsky factory, will talk about. A variety of master classes, an interactive tour “Fashion and Dances of the 19th Century” from the studio of the historical ballroom “The Beautiful Epoch” were prepared for children and family audiences, and creative meetings with sculptor Sergei Falkin and Tatyana Baboshina, a researcher at the State Hermitage Museum, for jewelry lovers updated exposition “Masters and Collections”.

On the Day of National Unity on November 4, the “Night of Arts” campaign will take place in two more departments of the museum. In the Main Building (5 Lenin St.), from 17.00 to 21.00, visitors will find “talks about paintings”, thematic excursions to existing exhibitions and a permanent exhibition, the intellectual game “ART - an association of different theories”, musical numbers from the Elegy collective, master -class “Lace of goodness”, for children - a favorite game “Shadows disappear in the palette” and quests for exposure.

In the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. an interactive quest "Journey through the steppes of Transbaikalia", a master class in making brooches "Siberian Flowers", a meeting with the famous icon painter of the Irkutsk diocese Elena Aleshina, an excursion at the exhibition of Boris Desyatkin from the art critic Tamara Dranitsa, the concert performance "The soul grows from the song", as well as a special screening of the film - participant of the international film festival "Man and Nature" "Babylonians" directed by Alessandro Quadretti.

The cost of entrance tickets to the "Night of the Arts" is from 50 to 150 rubles, depending on the category of visitors.
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