NIGHT OF ARTS Moscow Exhibition Halls Association Program
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November 3, 2014 Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" invites residents of the capital to take part in the citywide action "Night of the Arts."
Workshops, lectures, discussions, interactive performances, concerts and creative meetings with artists, musicians, poets and artists await in the galleries of the Association who wish to join the art.
Master classes in musical and visual programming from the Moscow Studio of Experimental Sound will be held in the gallery-workshop GRUND "Khodynka" and guests Izmailovo Gallery waiting for a master class on creating comics and trending pictures for social networks from the group # ППЩ.
At a lecture seminar in the Skolkovo Gallery, one can learn the history of computer art and ssience-art of the last decade. And all the most interesting things about design will be told on a tour of the exhibition "Worthy of attention" and at the design lecture by architect Larisa Klimova, "Design changes us" in Pechatnik gallery . In the "Night of the Arts" there will also be a master class "Traditional Folk Toy".
Workshops for adults and children on pottery and stucco ceramics, ceramic tile painting and decorating ceramic dishes, an open lesson on playing ocarina - an ancient wind musical instrument, which is a clay whistle flute, an interactive lesson dedicated to the world tradition of painting ceramic products - all it is waiting for visitors on November 3 galleries "Belyaevo" .
The opening of three exhibitions at once, the performance “Installation of the Present”, the presentation of the book “Kursk Workers” and poetry performances will be held at the “Night of Arts” in gallery "On Kashirka" .
A creative meeting with artists participating in the exhibition "Paper, on paper, from paper" will be held in the gallery "PLACE on Timiryazevskaya", and in the gallery-workshop GRUND "Sandy" artists working in the genre of video art and performance will tell everyone gathered how to turn original ideas into art. The result of this communication will be a project created by artists and gallery visitors in collaboration.
Gallery-workshop "Varshavka" the audience will be pleased with the solo program of the guitarist Stanislav Alekseevich Kochetov and the ensemble of young guitarists, as well as with the poetic evening of the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Alexander Pyatkov.
The secrets of playing percussion instruments will be shared by musician Dmitry Krylov in art hall "Vykhino" , where there will also be a presentation of the project "Poetic Russia" and a concert performed by pupils and teachers of Children’s Art School named after M.A. Balakireva.
Children and their parents will be able to feel like real actors in the Solntsevo art center by taking part in the interactive play based on the books of Annie Schmid, prepared by the Tale of the Weekend studio. The scenery for the play will be exhibits of the exhibition “Visiting Baby Plyuka”.
Together with the Moscow Cooperative of Artists (MosKoop), the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association will present the MosKoop Collection exhibition, created in the tradition of apartment exhibitions and open workshops, to the public. Visitors will find expositions and meetings with famous artists close to the circle of Moscow romantic conceptualism - Nikolai Ovchinnikov, Andrey Monastyrsky, Igor Makarevich, Nikita Alekseev, Sergey Shutov, Sergey Mironenko, Dmitry Bulnygin, Konstantin Belyaev, Vincent Nilin and others.
The program of the “Night of Arts” campaign in the galleries of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” will begin at 16 o’clock and will last until late at night. Detailed information posted on Association official website . Pre-registration is required to participate in some program events.
MosKoop (Moscow Artists’ Cooperative), ul. Novokuznetsk, 3, under. 1, intercom 2, metro Novokuznetskaya, Tretyakovskaya
"MosKoop Collection".
exhibition, workshops, discussions.
MosKoop cooperative is an initiative of the art community that is close to the circle of Moscow romantic conceptualism and continues the tradition of apartment exhibitions / open workshops.
The MosKoop Collection exhibition summarizes the first two years of the cooperative
Nikolai Ovchinnikov, Andrei Monastyrsky, Igor Makarevich, Nikita Alekseev, Sergey Shutov, Sergey Mironenko, Dmitry Bulnygin, Konstantin Belyaev, Vincent Nilin and others will talk about their activities and answer the questions of the audience.
14.00 - work demonstration
20.00 - meetings with artists
Pre-registration for meetings with artists by phone: +7 (925) 848-59-45
Art Hall "Vykhino", st. (Tashkentskaya, 9, metro Vykhino)
"Poetic Russia"
Presentation of the project “Poetic Russia” with the participation of the regional union of the Creative Union of Artists “Muscovites” (Zaraysk).
The musical program performed by pupils and teachers of Children’s Art School named after M.A. Balakireva.
Master class of playing percussion instruments by Dmitry Krylov.
Beginning of the program - 16.00
Gallery - workshop GRAUND “Khodynka” (Irina Levchenko St., 2, metro Oktyabrskoe pole)
“Experimental sound and music technology”
Master classes from Moscow Studio of Experimental Sound
text programming and electronics,
theory and practice of musical programming,
visual programming
fundamentals of electrical engineering, sound electronics, sensors and microcontrollers, robotics.
Leading workshops:
Sergey Kasich
Valya Fetisov
Victor Chernenko
Oleg Makarov
Dmitry Morozov
Kurt Lidwart
Alexander Senko
Alex Pleninger
Beginning at 16.00
The cost of participation is 350 rubles.
Pechatniki Gallery, (14 Batyuninskaya St., metro Pechatniki)
Tour of the exhibition "Worthy of attention."
Design lecture by architect Larisa Klimova, “Design changes us.”
Master class "Traditional folk toy."
Beginning of the program - 17.00
Gallery - workshop GRAUND "Sandy", st. Novopeschanaya 23/7, Sokol metro
Open Day
"How is art made?"
Meeting with artists, workshops.
Artists working in the genre of video art and performance will share their creative experience and tell novice authors how to bring their idea to life. The result of communication will be a project created by artists and viewers in collaboration.
Beginning of the program - 17.00
Registration of participants by phone: +7 (925) 385-45-48
Art Center "Solntsevo", st. Bogdanova, house 44, metro Yugo-Zapadnaya
“Birthday at Petteflet”
Interactive performance and art workshop
Children and parents will see a presentation based on the books of Annie Schmidt from the “Fairy Tale of the Day” studio. The scenery for him will be exhibits of the exhibition “Visiting Baby Plyuka”.
The audience will get acquainted with the baby Plyuk, ride on a red crane, look into the round turret on the roof of Petteflet, make friends with the cockroach Zaza and Dolly the dove. In a cozy house near Sasha and Masha, they can paint on the walls, look for secrets in the chest of drawers, read books on the carpet by the fireplace and make funny gifts.
Beginning - 18.00
Registration of participants by phone: 7 (495) 435-66-24
Izmailovo Gallery, st. (Izmailovsky proezd, 4, Izmailovskaya metro)
Exhibition "Hello, Oleg, is this the future?"
A master class on creating comics and trending pictures for social networks.
Leaders of the master class - group # ППЩ
The program starts at 19.00
Gallery "On Kashirka", st. Ak. Millionschikova, d.35, building 5, metro Kashirskaya
"Temporary monument"
Opening of three exhibitions
Exhibition "Artists and War"
Dedicated to the centenary of the First World War.
The exhibition was prepared jointly with the Mayakovsky Museum and the Museum of Folk Graphics.
Exhibition "Temporary Monument".
The play “Montage of the Present” (represented by Elena Shkurpello and students of the Institute of Contemporary Art).
Presentation of the book “Kursk Worker” (created jointly with the Mayakovsky Museum).
Poetic performance from the participants of the annual festival of experimental literature “Paw Azora” (together with the magazine “Other Hemisphere”).
Presentation of the project “Calculated. Weighted. Divided ”(within the framework of the exhibition“ Futurism in Poetry ”).
Poetic performance "World of Poets".
The program starts at 19.00
Gallery-workshop "Skolkovo" (Skolkovo highway, 32, building 2, metro Kuntsevskaya)
"The history of computer art and science-art of the last decade"
Lecture Workshop
Presenter - Alexander Lysov, artist, author of the first texts in Russian about generative art.
The program starts at 19.00
Gallery "Belyaevo", st. Profsoyuznaya, d. 100, metro Belyaevo
Free workshop "Hands in clay"
Interactive creative workshops for adults and children on pottery and stucco ceramics, painting ceramic tiles and decorating ceramic dishes.
A master class in playing Ocarina - an ancient wind musical instrument, which is a clay whistle flute.
Demonstration master class dedicated to the world tradition of painting ceramic products.
Art therapy for children and adults using natural materials.
The beginning of master classes - 19.00
Pre-registration for master classes by phone: 8 (495) 335-83-22
Gallery-workshop "Varshavka", Warsaw sh. 75-1, metro Warsaw
"All muses on the map of the area"
Literary and musical evening
Excursion on the exhibition "Terrain map".
Poetic evening of the national artist of the Russian Federation Alexander Alexandrovich Pyatkov.
The solo program of the guitarist Stanislav Alekseevich Kochetov and the ensemble of young guitarists.
The program starts at 19.00
Gallery "PLACE na a Timiryazevskaya", st. Nemchinova, d. 12, metro Timiryazevskaya)
Club of painters "IN PLACE"
Exhibition "Paper, on paper, from paper"
Meeting with artists participating in the exposition.
Beginning of the program - 20.00
- Christmas traditions of the House of Kochneva 6+
- King Thrushbeard. Brothers Grimm. 6+
- G.-H. Andersen "Swineherd"
- Exhibition-experiment "Dreams of Moscow"
- Exhibition project "Created by Inspiration" by Sergey Gavin, Evgeny Matko and Anastasia Agafonova
- How to Choose the Best Web Design Courses: A Guide for Beginners and Professionals
- Green textiles on a large podium
- Exhibition of Elena Artsutanova. Rhythms. Painting of recent years 0+