Nikolay Popov. Concert of the subscription "Person-composer. Performance and interview - Andrey Ustinov"
Automatic translate
14 Декабря
Камерный зал МГАФ
ул.Тверская ,д. 31
December 14 at 19:00.
Program: Works by N. Popov.
Free Music Manifesto for Performer, Ensemble, Electronics and Video (2021) World Premiere
ARTRA for drums, electronics and video (2013)
Uldra’s song for ensemble, electronics and video (2013)
sy_nap_sys for saxophone, electronics and video (2018)
KCl 23/11 for string quartet, electronics and video (2016/2018)
String Theory for Electric Guitar and Electronics (2021)
World Premiere
ANF-93 for ensemble, electronics and video (2013)
Soloists of the Studio for New Music ensemble
Marina Rubinstein, flute
Ignat Krasikov, clarinet / saxophone
Stanislav Malyshev, violin
Olga Kalinova, cello
Vacuum Quartet:
Gleb Khokhlov, violin
Vyacheslav Chirkunov, violin
Emil Salaridze, viola
Yulia Migunova, cello
The concert is attended by:
Dmitry Vlasik, drums
Arkady Pikunov, saxophone
Alexei Potapov, electric guitar
Venedikt Peunov, button accordion
Performer on video: Alena Verin-Galitskaya
Sound engineers: Ilnur Gabidullin Anton Bushinsky
Video: Alexander Plakhin, Andrew Quinn, Yan Kalnberzin, Evgeny Afonin, Alena Skornyakova
Light: Alexey Nadzharov, Igor Fomin