Unknown masterpieces of the Ulyanovsk Art Gallery
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с 18 Января
по 25 ФевраляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
On January 18 at 16:00, the exhibition “Unknown Masterpieces of the Ulyanovsk Art Gallery” will open at the Information, Educational and Exhibition Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenina St., second floor).

The exhibition “Unknown Masterpieces of the Ulyanovsk Art Gallery” is intended to demonstrate a number of works by famous and lesser-known authors from the gallery’s collection. The presented works are united by high professionalism of execution and a deep artistic component. It is worth noting that this is only a small part and in general the gallery’s collection, although small, is rich and unique in its own way. It is based on the idea of preserving the cultural heritage of the Soviet era, as well as the desire to introduce current and future generations to professional realistic art.
The Ulyanovsk Art Gallery was founded in 1970 on the initiative of a native of the village. Ulyanovsk, famous artist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Alexei Vasilyevich Kiselyov, who donated to the gallery a collection of works of contemporary fine art. Having left Ulyanov in his youth and becoming an artist, A.V. Kiselyov remained faithful and loving to his native land, to its people, to whom he always felt responsible, striving to introduce them to the world of art and high spiritual culture. Giving people the beauty captured in works of art, sharing with them the joy of an artist who discovers poetry in the most familiar, seen many times by every Ulyanovsk resident, became A.V. Kiselev’s cherished dream.
Over many years of work in Moscow, A.V. Kiselev collected a collection of works of Soviet fine art. He shared his secret dream with his fellow artists - to create an art gallery in his homeland, Ulyanov. The rumor about this noble undertaking spread throughout the country. And then artists from Moscow, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Kaluga, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Kazan, Chelyabinsk and other cities began to send or transfer their works to the future gallery.
Now the gallery’s collection includes 394 works. In 1979, the Ulyanovsk Gallery became a branch of the Kaluga Regional Art Museum (now the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts).
Age limit: 0+
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