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On June 5 in Moscow, on the Historic Stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, the names of Benois de la Danse Prize winners were announced for the twenty-sixth time.
Seven works of choreographers were nominated this year for the Prize. On the evening of June 5, the jury announced that Yuri Posokhov (Nureyev, Bolshoi Theater of Russia) and Deborah Kolker (Dog without Feathers, Deborah Kolker Company) won the nomination “The Best Choreographer’s Work”.
Soloists of 13 most interesting dance groups of the world fought this year for the title of laureate. In the nomination “For the best role of a dancer”, the prize was awarded to Se Eun Pak (Main Party, “Diamonds”, Ballet of the Paris Opera), and the winners of “For the best role of a dancer” were: Vladislav Lantratov (Title role, “Nureyev”, Bolshoi Theater of Russia) and Isaac Hernandez (Basilio, Don Quixote, Ballet of the Roman Opera; James, La Sylphide, English National Ballet).
Benoit laureates also became Ilya Demutsky (for music for the ballet "Nureyev") and Kirill Serebrennikov (for scenography for the play "Nureyev").
Prize: “For Life in Art” this year was awarded to the outstanding dancer Natalia Makarova. Maria Kochetkova was awarded the Russian-Italian Prize Benois-Myasin 2018.
The jury of Benoit 2018: Yuri Grigorovich, Eleanor Abbanyato; Samuel Wursten; Nicolas Le Risch, David McAllister, Tamara Rojo, Boris Eifman, Nora Estevez.
The second part of the evening also became incredibly rich and interesting - a gala concert of the nominees-2018, in which, in addition to the Benoit nominees-2018, the invited prima ballerina of the Berlin State Ballet Polina Semionova (laureate of Benoit-2014) and the prima ballerina San Francisco Ballet Maria Kochetkova (laureate of the Russian-Italian Prize Benois-Myasin - 2018). She, along with Sebastian Cloborg, presented the David Dawson duet, and this is the world premiere!
Three male duets were performed in the program of the evening: in the choreography of Marco Goekke, Vyubka Kandershma and Yuri Posokhov (duet Nureyev and Eric Brun). Etoile of the Paris Opera, Lyudmila Pagliiero, presented with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands National Ballet Marain Rademaker the choreography of Hans van Manen in 3 Gnoshenny, and Se Eun Pak and Pablo Legas danced fragments from Jewels by J. Balanchine and Herman Schmerman by William Force. Anna Laudere and Edwin Revazov showed an excerpt from Hamburg’s Anna Karenina, John Neumeier, with the participation of the Bolshoi soloist Daria Khokhlova.
Michele Satriano and Natalia Kushch from the Roman Opera performed in a duet from Carmen by Roland Petit. In addition to modern ones, the audience saw classical works: a student of Peter Peskov, Daniel Camargo, presented with Maya Mahateli Pa de de Diana and Acteon, Amanda Gomez and Mikhail Timaev - pas de sis from Esmeralda edited by Andrey Petrov, with the participation of soloists The Kremlin Ballet and, finally, the pas de deux from Don Quixote performed the premieres of the English National Ballet, Jurgit Dronin and Isaac Hernandez.
Prize Information:
The Benois de la Dansé International Ballet Prize, known worldwide as the Ballet Oscar, is awarded annually for the most outstanding works in the field of choreography over the past year.
The Benois de la Danse prize was established in 1991 in Moscow by the International Association of Choreography Figures, now the International Union of Choreography Figures, and was presented for the first time in the same year on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.
From the first day of the existence of the Program, its artistic director and, ex officio, the chairman of the jury has been the president of the International Union of Choreography Figures, an outstanding choreographer Yuri Grigorovich. The Directorate and Organizer of the Program is the Benoit Center public non-profit organization. The author of the Prize figurine is the famous sculptor Igor Ustinov, a representative of the renowned Benois family.
Annually replaced by an international jury, consisting of the most respected figures of world choreography: leaders of the largest ballet companies, outstanding choreographers, famous teachers, world ballet stars, nominates nominees and, working throughout the year, ultimately determines the best.
From the very beginning, in 1992, UNESCO adopted this project under its patronage, praising its huge creative potential and ability to influence the development of ballet in Russia and the world. In 1996, the Prize was included in the UNESCO program “World Decade of Culture”.
In 2002, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation included the Project in the Federal Program “Cultural Heritage of Russia”.
In 2009, the Benoit de la Dance project received patronage and the right to the logo of the European Cultural Parliament as a Program of International Importance.
For 26 years of its existence, the Benoit de la Dance Prize was awarded in Moscow, at the Bolshoi Theater and the State Kremlin Palace, at the UNESCO Palace in Paris, at the National Theater in Warsaw, at the State Opera Unter den Linden in Berlin, at the State Theater in Stuttgart.
In 2002, the Project, which expanded to the framework of the World Ballet Festival, again returned to the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.
The collection from the Gala evenings of the Festival is transmitted in the form of personal financial assistance to ballet veterans of various dance groups in Moscow.
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