"Finds of my street"
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с 16 Августа
по 17 ОктябряМузей Москвы
Зубовский бульвар, 2
From August 16 to October 17, the Museum of Moscow will host the exhibition “Finds of My Street”. Once again, in the halls of the museum you can see unique historical objects discovered by archaeologists on the streets of Moscow recently, from the beginning of 2018. The exhibition of archaeological finds of the 2017 season “Secrets of Moscow Undergrounds” at the July Moscow Urban Forum 2018 was named the best in the category “City Exhibitions”.

“Finds of My Street” is about 100 artifacts, evidence of the most different periods of the history of Moscow, which until recently were literally under our feet on Moscow streets. At the exhibition, guests will see everyday objects of Muscovites from the Middle Ages to the end of the XIX century. A significant part of things found in the areas of Moscow, which is heard not only among historians, but also among the general public - Zaryadye and Kadashi. The exhibition will include tiles with unusual plots, samples of the art of medieval casters, ceramics, and religious items. You can also see weapons, for example, food found almost on Red Square, or boots of phenomenal preservation, which allow you to consider the smallest details of the work of a tanner five centuries ago.
Alexei Emelyanov, head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow: “Since the beginning of 2018, archaeologists working together with builders to improve Moscow streets have discovered over 5,000 unique items, despite the fact that due to the World Cup of Archaeological Research in Moscow was conducted a little. In just the last few years, archaeological finds made about 30 thousand. "
Alina Saprykina, Director of the Museum of Moscow: “The exhibition“ Finds of My Street ”is a unique opportunity to see real evidence of the history that Moscow land holds and to understand that the past of the city is closer than it seems. The project is a continuation of the close cooperation of the Moscow Museum with Moscow archaeologists. The main principle of the exhibition is literally this: today it’s still in the trench, tomorrow it’s already in the museum hall. And then in the museum’s collection, because finds from Moscow streets are actively replenishing the funds of the archeology department of the Museum of Moscow. ”
The exhibition is held in conjunction with the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow. The opening is timed to the Day of the archaeologist, which is celebrated on August 15.
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