"Painted Moscow" by Alena Dergileva
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с 15 Февраля
по 5 МартаРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Alena Dergileva "Painted Moscow". The exposition consisted of about forty watercolors of different years by a recognized Moscow graphic artist, successfully working in the techniques of drawing, watercolor, etching and lithography, in book illustration and easel form.

The central place in the artist’s work is occupied by the image of his native city. For decades, she has been drawing and painting it, traveling through the streets, squares, alleys, finding more and more reasons for inspiration. “Moscow Dergileva is huge, mysterious and magically attractive. The artist honestly tells us that the city is interesting to him not by the concrete severity of buildings, but by the variety of artistic sensations that do not get bored even with their redundancy.