Automatic translate
с 8 Декабря
по 2 ФевраляТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "At the Golden Staircase", 4th floor.

On December 8, Nadezhda Fomicheva invites everyone to reflect on the most intimate, about what they do not show and try to hide in every possible way - about complexes.
Note that this is the first personal exhibition of the artist in St. Petersburg.
For the first time, the author faced, of course, with her complexes. After that, she began to pay attention to the complexes that her friends have. But the artist was really deeply imbued with this problematic issue when she began to draw the human body from nature.
When the sitters looked at the sketches and works that the artists produced, Nadya saw embarrassment: "What a belly I have, I need to lose weight", "I have folds, a nightmare!", "What full legs I have!" This all influenced the behavior and posture that they took after. They became more withdrawn and timid. This seemed very interesting to the artist, because in life the complexes also control people. They do not allow us to do what we want, to behave the way we want. They are also often the main character of a bad mood, and this negatively affects well-being. Complexes are a pretty important problem.
“In my works I try to find pleasant color combinations and shades that are attractive to the eyes and sensations. The choice of graphic materials always tells me the general idea for the series that I’m going to create. For more expressiveness of the work with the image of the human body, I used semolina. It was she who created such a velvet warm base of the surface and added texture where required. Thick and opaque paints prevent the forms from spreading, creating clear color spots, which the semolina evenly absorbed without distorting the shades. This is how the “Something” series appeared, ”says the author.
The exhibition will run until February 2. Free admission. 16 +
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