"Murzilki of the Russian soul"
Automatic translate
с 30 Января
по 10 ФевраляБорей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
January 30 - February 10, 2018
Mikhail Akimov
Murzilka of the Russian soul
Poems with pictures
In the Small Hall
Vernissage January 30 at 18.00

The series of graphic works “Murzilka of the Russian Soul” by Mikhail Akimov is a primitive burst of consciousness and responses to external stimuli that have nothing to do with real poetry. Apparently therefore, the author called the literary part of the "poem". As for the "pictures", they, along with the "poems" look quite nice. These works were created by the author in the pauses between urgent and important matters and served as relaxation in moments of lyrical rest.
The project includes 24 works of A3 format, executed on paper with watercolors and ink. All stories are fictitious and not related to reality. The author apologizes in advance to those who come to the exhibition and will be disappointed.
Mikhail Akimov was born in Moscow in 1964. Graduated from MARCH. He worked in animation, documentary films, was engaged in interior design, monumental art and book graphics. Member of the Ministry of Agriculture. Since 2012, a series of exhibitions "Travel of Pushkin" and "Pushkin in America" in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
- Picasso, Baby! Craft workshops (5-8 years)
- Expanding horizons with documentaries
- The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin presents the first in Russia map of the sensory security of museum space
- “How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy” by Jenny Odell