The animated series "Mi-bears" and "Leo and Teague" will see the whole world Automatic translate
The company Digital Television and the international video service Netflix have agreed on a partnership. Popular Russian animated series "Mi-Bears" and "Leo and Teague" appeared on the video service and are now available to hundreds of millions of Netflix subscribers in 190 countries.
The animated series “Mi-Bears” and “Leo and Tig” are produced by the animation engine “Steam Locomotive”, which is part of “Digital Television”, and are shown on the children’s television channels of the group: “MULT”, “Tlum HD” and “Multimedia”.
The deal with one of the largest video services in the world has expanded the portfolio of successfully implemented Digital Television projects in the international market.
In April of this year, a deal was announced with the largest on-line cinemas in China, and at the end of 2017 - the purchase by the European division of the HBO group of rights to broadcast the animated series "Mi-mi-bears." The Russian animated series Mi-Bears and Papers were acquired by Discovery Communications to be shown in the Middle East and North Africa. "Leo and Teague" will see the inhabitants of the Netherlands.
Also, the animated series “Digital Television” were sold to Sweden, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Estonia.
In 2016, the company Digital Television translated 6 animated series into 10 languages, including Arabic, English, Chinese, Hindi. Together with “Mi-mi-bears” and “Leo and Teague” the “Magic Lantern”, “Arkady Parovozov is in a hurry to help”, “Papers”, “Fairy Patrol” are duplicated.
International sales of Digital Television content are carried out by Signal Media.
The series “Mi-Mi-Bears” tells about the adventures of tireless mischievous people: a brown bear cub Kesha, a white bear cub named Tuchka and their girlfriend Chanterelle. Innokenty loves gadgets and technology, Cloud is a child of nature, and Chanterelle is a born housewife. Heroes teach young viewers to live in harmony with nature and at the same time to open and learn the world around us. And, of course, this series is about the power of friendship, which will help overcome any obstacles.
The animated series "Leo and Teague" is a story about two inseparable friends. Leopardic Leo and the tiger cub Tig can not live a single day without adventure: they meet with unusual natural phenomena, solve puzzles, arrange competitions and help everyone who needs their help. Tireless researchers discover for themselves and the audience the wonderful world of Primorsky Krai, its rich nature, which in the eyes of a child acquires magical abilities. Getting into fascinating stories, Leo and Teague learn mutual assistance, respect for nature, kindness and friendship.
The prototypes of the main characters were unique rare species - the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard, listed in the Red Book. Today, about 520 Amur tigers live in Russia, and the population of the Far Eastern leopard does not exceed 80 individuals.
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