Andrey Troitsky’s multimedia project "Space - Transformations"
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с 7 Апреля
по 9 МаяГалерея Классической Фотографии
Саввинская набережная, дом 23 стр. 1
From April 7 to May 9, 2021, the Gallery of Classical Photography will present a multimedia project by contemporary Russian photographer Andrei Troitsky "Space - Transformations".
The exposition is supported by the French Embassy and the French Institute in Russia.
"Space - Transformations" is a story of a journey in the space of memory and time, where space is the surrounding and inner world of a person, and transformations are time and the changes taking place with us. The exhibition includes a series of 27 black-and-white photographs that tell about the turning points in the photographer’s life: about facing death, searching for love and one’s destiny. “This is a story about internal events, but internal reality has its own paradoxical logic, so it is surreal,” says Troitsky. - I used the method of reconstruction: first I looked for its essence in each event, and then conveyed it in a specific image. As performers, I invited friends and colleagues who, in some cases, were involved in the events I talk about, or were participants in them. "
According to Andrei, his photographs serve as "a kind of extract of these events." Each work is dedicated to a specific episode and is accompanied by a short text, which is an integral part of the image and helps the viewer to be included in the temporal context. According to the author’s intention, the exposition is accompanied by dark ambient music written by musicians from several countries.
Work on the project took four and a half years and took place in Russia and France. The photographs presented at the exhibition were highly appreciated by experts and curators. “I chose Andrey’s works because I appreciated his poetic approach, he touched my feelings. The power of photography is directly related to our imaginations, and his work spoke to my imagination. I really like his portrait of a woman with flowers, ”says a member of the Dutch jury
LensCulture and Le Monde Photo Director Nicolas Jimenez.
According to theatrical photographer Elena Lapina, the works of Andrei Troitsky are permeated with personal experiences and a sense of life. “And what is felt by the soul of the author, - she believes, - can find a response in the soul of the viewer”. “The strength of this project lies in the paradoxical combination of sincerity and finely built plots, - the curator of the project Oleg Arnautov is sure, - Andrey follows an intuitive approach in his work, and when intuition is combined with the refinement of form, art is born”.
Andrey Troitsky is a prize-winner of the Tokyo Photo Festival, winner of the first place at the Monovision Photography Awards in London, a student of the photographer and theorist of photography Alexander Lapin, a film director.
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