"My way". Exhibition of works by Nikolai Borovsky Painting
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с 11 по 30 Октября
Российская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
In his work, Nikolai Borovskoy consistently adheres to the traditions of the Russian art school. He loves full-scale work, difficultly conceived compositions, appreciates the psychological basis of the works.
N.I. Borovskoy received a serious professional education, graduating from the Crimean Art College named after N.S. Samokish, in 1979 - the faculty of monumental painting of the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. Participant in more than 130 various art exhibitions. His works are in collections of major museums in Russia, in corporate and private collections in many countries.
Portraits of N. Borovsky are distinguished by the author’s ability in each hero to see his originality and uniqueness, his complex inner world, to convey the beauty and charm of living human characters.
Classically clear, simple composition, carefully thought out, restrained coloring help deeply reveal the image of a person in all the diversity of his feelings and experiences.
“Nikolai Borovskoy is a born storyteller, he absolutely does not need countless details and accessories to make his portraits speak. His characters seem to be torn to us from the canvas, each with his own life story - such is the tension of his painting, ”notes art critic N. Anikina.
An interesting series of self-portraits created at different times. They read the complex path of development, the formation of the personality of the artist himself, in whose fate the era itself is reflected, the inexorable running of time. In “Self-portrait in a yellow hat” in 2010, the painter appears as a mature master, an experienced man, but he, as in his youth, is full of vitality and creative energy.
An important place in the work of N. Borovsky is landscape. Constantly working on nature, he carefully studies the various states of nature, color and tonal relationships, color. On his canvases are the nature of Crimea, Siberian landscapes, Moscow streets. But most of all he is attracted by the quiet beauty of the Russian countryside, the measured patriarchy of the Yaroslavl hinterland, the ancient Borisoglebsk, where he annually strives to break out for a week or two.
The artist constantly returns to the same plots, each time discovering new qualities in a well-known motive ("Apple Savior", "Alley", "Autumn. Leaves Fall", "Summer. Silver Day", "First Snow. Twilight", etc..). Keeping the immediacy of field impressions, he creates his own, special world of poetic generalizations. Deep emotionality, expression, rich, complexly developed color are distinguished by landscape paintings of N. Borovsky.
The artist’s favorite motif is old abandoned gardens, obsolete trees. He seeks to connect their bizarre plasticity, unexpected rhythms, and strikingly characteristic drawing with the psychological, philosophical side of the topic. It is no coincidence that in such canvases (“Two Fates”, “Gray Apple Trees”), parallels with human destinies are noticeable.
The decorative solution of paintings, unexpected, witty compositions, expressive images, philosophical interpretation of motive - everything speaks of the artist as a great master of painting.
Currently, N. Borovskoy is the first secretary of the Union of Artists of Russia, chairman of the Moscow Artists Union of Russia, professor at the Moscow Art Theater. IN AND. Surikov. Winner of the RF Government Prize in the field of culture, winner of the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts and other awards.
N. Borovskoy travels a lot around the country, meets with bright, outstanding contemporaries. All this gives invaluable experience, fills with a new content of his work.
The exhibition is open to visitors from October 11 to 30, 2016.
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