Moscow festival "Duduk and Organ" Jivan Gasparyan. Duduk, organ and soprano "
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19 Ноября
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday, November 19, 9 p.m.
The legendary Jivan Gasparyan - in the Lutheran Cathedral! The voice of his duduk is loved all over the world. Next to it is an organ and saxophone. And also - a delicious soprano by Tatyana Lanskoy.
Moscow festival "Duduk and Organ"Jivan Gasparyan. Duduk, organ and soprano "
Duration - 75 minutes.
The legendary Jivan Gasparyan - in the Lutheran Cathedral! Artist awarded with four UNESCO gold medals. Thanks to his ascetic activities, the duduk took pride of place on the classical concert stage - next to such luminaries as the violin, oboe, organ, saxophone… An instrument whose voice was traditionally considered the voice of the soul of the Armenian people - became the voice of the soul of mankind. Duduk is recognizable all over the world. His timbre is an integral part of modern musical culture. But the surprises of the concert do not end there. The organ and saxophone will sound. And also - a delicious soprano by Tatyana Lanskoy.
Jivan Gasparyan - Duduk
Jivan Gasparyan Jr. - Duduk
Tatyana Lanskaya soprano
Armen Ghazaryan - duduk
Vazgen Makaryan - bass duduk
Belcanto Trio
Khosrov Manukyan Duduk
Ivan Ipatov organ
Mikhail Troshin saxophone
Program: I. S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, F. Schubert, R. An, Armenian folk melodies
- Exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculptures "Lifeisagame" by artists Arsen Avetisyan, Valerik Apinyan, Armen and Olga Gasparyan
- Duduk of Jivan Gasparyan, organ and Celtic harp sounded under the arches of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Moscow
- V Moscow festival "Duduk and Organ" Grand opening Jivan Gasparyan. Great music of world cinema