Moscow festival "Absolute Baroque" by Antonio Vivaldi
Automatic translate
5 Ноября
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday November 5, 3 p.m.
Amazing music of the great Italian composer heals souls, opens up new horizons. Listen to her. She is about you too.
Moscow festival "Absolute Baroque"
Antonio Vivaldi
Duration - 75 minutes
In the 1920s, the world discovered a new great composer. Not so new, by the way. Johann Sebastian Bach himself shifted his works for the organ. But, nevertheless, Antonio Vivaldi was perceived, and we are talking about him, just as one of the half-forgotten predecessors of the great cantor. The little that was preserved was too fragmented to create a complete picture. The true scale of the composer became clear only after the manuscripts of the Turin collection were found. More than 500 concerts and sonatas for various instruments, including the famous Seasons, 90 operas, not counting the many disparate arias, over 100 vocal and instrumental works, including monumental ones such as Gloria and Stabat Mater - such an impressive list turned Vivaldi into a first-rate creative value, whose brilliance, like a new bright star, overshadowed the former stars in the musical sky of the 18th century. In the concert, the works of the great Italian will be performed in the best European traditions of performing ancient music.
Academic Choir "Gaudeamus" of Vilnius University
Principal Conductor Rasa Gelgotiene
Vilnius University Chamber Orchestra
Principal Conductor Paulus Bernardas
Chamber Choir of Moscow Technological University
Conductor Ivan Samoilov
Soloists - Laureates of International Competitions:
Anna Khrapko (soprano)
Alena Shabalina (mezzo-soprano)
Anton Artamonov (tenor)
Margarita Koroleva organ
Program: A. Vivaldi