Young talents in arts and crafts
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с 29 Марта
по 21 АпреляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
On March 29 at 16:00 at the Information, Educational and Exhibition Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenina St., 103) the opening of the exhibition-competition of the Kaluga Regional House of Folk Arts and Cinema “Central” “Young talents in decorative and applied arts” will take place.

Folk art in the modern world is a wonderful space in which traditional crafts and modern arts and crafts trends harmoniously exist. This is an inexhaustible source of knowledge for genres and concepts of professional art.
Traditions ennoble a person, cultivate in him a sense of beauty, lay the important foundations of morality, hard work, love for his native land and people.
Today, popularizing the cultural heritage of the region among the younger generation, identifying and supporting young talented authors is undeniably important. It is no less important to give social significance to the activities of artistic associations, studios and circles of decorative and applied arts. These tasks have been successfully solved by the Kaluga Regional House of Folk Art and Cinema “Central” for many years.
One of the significant events is the Regional Exhibition-Competition “Young Talents in Decorative and Applied Arts”. The exhibition brings together works by authors from municipal districts of the Kaluga region aged from 7 to 16 years.
2024 has been declared the Year of the Family in Russia. It is carried out in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia in order to popularize state policy in the field of family protection and preservation of family values. Some of the works in the exhibition are devoted to this topic. Children and their parents, grandmothers and grandchildren, hereditary masters and their successors took part in its creation. The exhibition includes a wide range of different areas. The skills of embroidery and weaving, traditional painting, and folk dolls are demonstrated. Author’s ceramic products stand out with bright pearls. Interesting exhibits of modern small-form plastic art, stylized panels, paintings using the batik technique, hand-woven weaving products and much more. Most of the works are remarkable for their neatness and subtlety of execution.
The rich imagination and skill of the participants of the exhibition-competition will be awarded with prizes and valuable gifts.
We hope that the real, sincere creativity of our young authors will give Kaluga residents and guests of the city pleasure and a great charge of positive energy!
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