Motsash "in the Jewish Museum. Hanukkah 5782
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4 Декабря
Еврейский музей и центр толерантности
ул. Образцова, д. 11, стр. 1А

The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center presents the Motsas project. In winter, after Shabbat, the museum will open on Saturday with a special program for visitors: it will include excursions and events for the whole family, pop-up sets from the Rishon cafe, as well as concerts of contemporary performers from Israel, Russia and other countries.
What is Motsas?
Motsas is a project that allows visitors to independently choose how they want to see the museum. For those who have already explored regular excursions and family programs, Motsas will be an opportunity to experience the exposition and exhibitions from a different perspective.
In Israel, the word "motsash" refers to what happens when the Sabbath ends. In the religious sense of the word "motsash" is the time when it is allowed to resume everyday activities prohibited on Saturday. In the secular worldview, "motsash" means revitalization on the streets of Israeli cities after Shabbat: shops, restaurants and cultural centers open, residents rush to spend the weekend at concerts, parties ("mesibot") and in cinemas.
The first "Motsas" of the museum will be dedicated to Hanukkah 5782 - a holiday associated with light, miracles and a generous table. The headliner of the program will be Max Schreiber: Tel Aviv-based producer and resident of the CONFUSED MACHINES label will present live ambient improvisation.
The program of the first project "Motsas" in the Jewish Museum
Hanukkah "Motsas" offers visitors three types of tickets and three different programs.
Basic. Includes a visit to the main exhibition with any excursions, the exhibition of Francesca Yarbusova and Yuri Norstein "Snow on the Grass", as well as the exhibition "How to become a Jew? Everyday life and traditions of Jewish childhood ”.
18:15, 19:30 - “Hanukkah. Feast of Miracles ". Thematic tour of the main exhibition
18:15, 19:30 - Sightseeing tour of the exhibition of Francesca Yarbusova and Yuri Norshtein "Snow on the Grass"
18:30, 19:45 - “The amazing world of the shtetl. Life from fair to synagogue. " Thematic tour of the main exhibition
18:30, 19:45 - "Norstein: surroundings". Thematic tour of the exhibition "Snow on the Grass"
Family. It includes tickets for parents with one or two children and adds to the options of the basic program the opportunity to attend a game quest, a family excursion and a children’s play.
18:00, 19:00 - Game quest for the exhibition "Snow on the Grass" (7+)
18:00, 19:00 - Family tour "Hanukkah Miracle" at the exhibition "How to become a Jew? Everyday life and traditions of Jewish childhood "
19:00 - Children’s play "Emily Brown and her rabbit, or a real toy" (5+)
Evening. Includes entrance to the main exhibition, Snow on the Grass and How to Become a Jew? Everyday life and traditions of Jewish childhood ”, as well as dinner at the“ Rishon ”cafe with a special set menu from the chef and a Max Schreiber concert.
The dinner menu is an homage to traditional Israeli recipes, featuring a selection of Middle Eastern snacks, a hot dish and dessert.
Max Schreiber will give his debut concert in Moscow. As part of his performance, he will offer live improvisation of atmospheric electronic music based on work with old analog synthesizers and drum machines. Known for his post-punk band Mujahideen and electro project Mule Driver, Schreiber is one of the key figures in the Tel Aviv music scene.
21:00 - Dinner at the Rishon cafe. Pop-up set from the chef. Concert Max Schreiber
23:00 - Afterparty at BARBOSCO
The excursion and family program will be built around the history and traditions of Hanukkah. Throughout the day, visitors will be able to buy Hanukkah souvenirs at Lavka, and Sufganiyet Hanukkah donuts will be included in the dinner menu as a dessert. After the concert and dinner are over, the museum team invites visitors to join the afterparty at BARBOSCO (3 Red Square). BARBOSCO will prepare a gift for all guests of the Motsash project.
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