"The mystification of love" Dmitry Koval
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с 27 Июля
по 20 СентябряАрт-галерея “Мануфактура”
Обуховское шоссе, 2
Art Gallery "Manufactory" presents an exhibition of the famous Kiev artist Dmitry Koval. This time, the painter invites viewers to reflect on the topic of love. "The mystification of love" is the name of the exposition of his works.
The theme of love is one of the most exciting issues that always bothers people. It contains so many human feelings that it is difficult to grasp its essence among this variety. By what criteria do we distinguish it and why do we unite such different manifestations under the same name? What is this involvement? The painter Dmitry Koval tries to express his vision of the eternal theme through his own artwork.
“Love is a mystery. If life is the greatest gift, then love is the greatest value. The exhibition “The Hoax of Love” talks about the main value of life - the love of two hearts, as well as nature and the environment. Man is a part of nature. Everything in it is interconnected, each smallest particle is penetrated by feelings and heat. None of the living creatures can do without love, because love is the greatest happiness, ”says the author.
The exhibition includes such recognized works of the artist as: “Memoirs of the Summer”, “The Birth of the Elements”, the series “Love”, “Ghosts of the Old Lake”. Artwork reveals the meaning of human existence, love in its various manifestations.
The central picture of the exhibition will be the work “Born to become the heart of life”, which will be monumental in form and artistic content. It touches on the theme of man and nature, as an integral part of being.
Dmitry was born in Western Ukraine, Khotyn, Chernivtsi region, October 23, 1990. Graduate of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture.
The main directions in the artist’s work are impressionism and pointillism in combination with abstract and decorative art.
Dmitry Koval is a participant of many All-Ukrainian and international exhibitions, winner of numerous awards. In particular: 2012 - Laureate of the Prize to them. V. Puzyrkova (work “Love”) 2013. - Laureate of the Prize to them. V. Shatalina (work "The Universe") 2014. - Scholarship to them. M. Murashko; 2015 - Laureate of the Prize to them. V. Zaretsky (work "Coffee Tea") 2016r. - Laureate of the 1st prize of the All-Ukrainian contest "Talent Energy Fest"; 2018 RUR -Laureate of the prize. M. Deregusa (Series of works “Ukrainian Prayer”) 2018р. - 2 prize of the All-Ukrainian Triennial of Painting “Art-nova”. 2019 p. the artist became the owner of the Grant of the President of Ukraine for outstanding figures in the field of art.
His works of art are in museums of Zaporozhye, Chernivtsi and private collections in Germany, China, Czech Republic, Russia and Ukraine, in the collection of President of Ukraine (2005-2010) Viktor Yushchenko.
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