"Worldview". Exhibition of works by Vladimir Pimenov
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с 28 Июля
по 8 АвгустаРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Vladimir Sergeevich Pimenov "Worldview", the exposition of which presents more than 50 paintings of the last decade.
“Accept my painting as a metaphorical evidence of my life, without pathos and eloquence, as the truth. The past I have lived is the source from which I drink. The degree of closeness of art to truth depends on the scale of the artist’s talent, given by the nature. I am far from thinking that art in general, and mine in particular, is capable of overturning the human soul all of a sudden, once and for all. But gradually, little by little, it brings a person closer to the true, to the real concept of the meaning of life ”- the author characterizes his work.
Vladimir Pimenov is eighty… Is this a lot or not enough for an artist? Everyone has a different way, the age qualification in art is a very conditional concept. But in this case, this is a kind of milestone, marking at the same time, and the undoubted achievement of heights of creative maturity, and an inexhaustible susceptibility to new images, themes and ideas that generates the rapid flow of life.
A chain of small pictures is a canvas of life, or rather an artistic comprehension of the current online life. These are observations, memories, reflections without internal logic, but somehow everything together begins to work for real honesty, and an amazing effect arises: the depicted world in pictures becomes similar to the truth. But the truth does not play a giveaway. Indeed, in essence, our thoughts are a collage, our life is a collage, and this chain of pictures is also a collage, and the sense of truth arises from the sum of the elements of the collage.
Pimenov’s pictures are quite simple to understand at first glance, but in each of them there is a certain internal tension, a certain force field, which requires the viewer not to guess, but to a corresponding state of mind, empathy. For an event of art to take place, two must meet: the author and the viewer. And everyone has to go their own part of the way. The artist has gone through his part - it’s up to the viewer. In the author’s works, Russian everyday life and Russian landscape organically merge into a single complex of beauty, peace, contemplation and aching sadness, from which the breadth and detachment of the Russian soul grows, so incomprehensible in the West.
The paths in art, as well as the path to art, are uniquely individual for each artist. For some, this is devotion to ideals formed once and for all, a natural commitment to family traditions. For others, this is a painful search for oneself, when a certain inner voice not only imperiously prompts the choice of a profession, but also further predetermines all the turns and zigzags of the creative biography, persistently leads to a new rethinking of seemingly well-known concepts and phenomena. Obviously, it is to this category of modern masters that Vladimir Pimenov belongs - an artist from Zaraysk, whose creative biography cannot be called cloudless or crystal clear in its inner logic.
Observing the development of this artist from the Moscow region, you see how his work becomes more and more serious and deep in thought, how his professional skill and culture grows from year to year, how his contribution to contemporary Russian art becomes more and more significant. We can say that Pimenov’s art has acquired the level of problematicity that allows us to pose and consider the issue of the specifics of the national type of artistic thinking. This concept, as a rule, a priori combined national and humanity into a certain conditional unity, including the automatic inheritance of the best, most progressive traditions.
Vladimir Sergeevich Pimenov - painter, graphic artist, production designer of animated films, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts (Painting Department, 2011), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1992), People’s Artist of the Russian Federation (2002). Born on February 1, 1941. Lives and works in the city of Zaraysk. Graduated from the Ryazan Art School (1963); art faculty of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK, 1972), workshop of A. Sazonov. Worked at the Belarusfilm film studio as a director of cartoons (1972-1976). He created the animated film "Boy and Bird", which became the diploma tape of the artists-graduates of VGIK. He was engaged in book graphics. Participant of numerous exhibitions in Russia and abroad since 1970.
Taught at the Moscow State Regional University (2002 - 2006, acting professor). He was elected as a deputy of the city council of Zaraysk (1990), he managed to save the historical houses on Sovetskaya Street №28 and the house, which now houses the Education Department, intended for demolition, as well as houses №32 and №262 on Pervomayskaya Street.
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