Millenvagon of small paintings and not only
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Exhibition-sale in the gallery "Expo - 88"
April 13 - April 16, 2017
An exhibition of twenty artists in one gallery at a time. Each artist will present a large block consisting of a hundred paintings on an arbitrary topic. Each picture of the block, like the block itself, is a small finished work.
Where does the need to make the series come from? In the visible world, a sea of inexhaustible plots that cannot be squeezed into the framework of a single work. Series allow you to show the importance of all aspects of the selected topic or motive. I recall the famous Monet series: Rouen Cathedral, nymphs, etc. A similar approach allowed the artist to explore the changes in natural lighting literally by the hour… Rafael’s Madonna is a masterpiece of a different era, but, nevertheless, they also fit into the idea of the series, however, like the funny ones " monkey tricks ”of the 18th century, of which many were created. In the 20th century, the very approach to art is changing, the series becomes a separate “genre” and goes into a new quality. We are entering an era of “serial” flowering of art: Marcel Duchamp, Mark Rothko, Yuri Zlotnikov.
Today, most artists work in series. The exhibition "Millenvagon of small paintings" is a personal exhibition of one hundred works of twenty artists. The projects are executed in different techniques, they appeal to different ideas, and they differ in style. The huge hundred-fold creation of one artist works as a single, harmonious organism, but can easily fall apart into one hundred unique and stylistically independent particles. Each particle is an independent work of a small format.
In addition to achieving a certain aesthetic effect, the selected format fits into the commercial strategy of the exhibition. Every connoisseur of the beautiful and rare can afford to purchase a small highly artistic work, thus joining the process of rethinking, changing the already existing whole. Metamorphoses occurring with a common plan will create something new. The viewer becomes an active participant in this process.
Masha Pudalova