Michelangelo "Passion of Christ. Duduk, organ, saxophone"
Automatic translate
23 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
March 23, Wednesday, 20.00
Duration - 80 minutes.
Holy Week is a special period in the life of every person. In these days, the fragility of the harmony of this world is felt sharply sharply… the unbearable pain of the redeeming sacrifice hurts our hearts… but gives hope the inevitability of striving for the ideal. Music is the language most responsive to soul experiences. What is indescribable by a lonely human word acquires a comprehensive content, if complemented by musical harmony and rhythm. We suggest thinking about eternal truths - together with great composers: Orlando di Lasso, Johann Sebastian Bach, Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert. Their works are only a small drop compared to world culture. But… listen. Indeed, in a drop of water you can see the sea.
The philosophical power of creativity of Michelangelo is amazing. Whose, if not his masterpieces - to paint music these days?
Khosrov Manukyan Armenian duduk
Leonid Drutin saxophone
Chamber Choir "Inspiration"
Moscow Musical Society
Artistic Director and Conductor Olga Burova
Choirmaster Elena Yapantseva
Ivan Ipatov organ, piano
Elena Borisova organ
Andrey Bayramov percussion
Program: I.S. Bach, J. Haydn, G. Foret, F. Pulenk
Venue: Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Starosadsky per., 7, M. "Kitay-Gorod")
For more information and to buy a ticket, visit www. belcantofund. com
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