"Myths and Symbols" by Angelica Alsatkina
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с 7 Сентября
по 2 ОктябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
The personal exhibition of the artist-designer Angelica Alsatkina “Myths and Symbols” will open in the Irkutsk Art Museum on September 7. The author will present works of arts and crafts dedicated to numerous spirits in Buryat beliefs. This exhibition is a continuation of Angelika Alsatkina’s copyright projects aimed at popularizing national history, culture and art.
The works are made of natural materials, in particular, felt and horsehair. According to Angelica, she is in love with felt, which has a special plasticity. Unique as a material for creativity and horse hair - there are up to 700 of its shades. These materials, the author believes, allow you to convey the power and strength of Buryat beliefs, and at the same time, to feel the steppe expanse.
In total, the exhibition will feature more than 40 works by Angelica Alsatkina. The public will see many of them for the first time. And each work has its own symbolic meaning. So the veneration of the sun and moon by the author was reflected in the works “The Solstice”, “The Sun is Madame” and “The Moon is the Silver Lord”. Felt sculptures "Mistress of the forest", "Master of the taiga", "Patron of fishing" demonstrate the images of those deities, in whose jurisdiction, according to popular beliefs, is the animal and plant world. For example, “To the master of the taiga”, in order to be lucky, hunters dedicated a special prayer service.
The exhibition will be located in the "Estate of V.P. Sukachev." The opening will take place on September 7, 2016 at 15.00. You can see “Myths and Symbols” until October 2, 2016 at the address: Irkutsk, st. December Events, 112. Telephone for inquiries: 53-12-24.
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