International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity and Pedagogical Innovations "Cup of Russia in artistic creativity - Assembly of Arts"
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с 1 по 7 Апреля
Выставочный комплекс Московского академического художественного лицея Российской Академии Художеств
ул.Крымский Вал, д.8/2

From April 1 to April 7, 2019. The Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum at the Russian Academy of Arts will host the International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity and Pedagogical Innovations "Cup of Russia in Artistic Creativity - Assembly of Arts".
Festival Dates: April 1-7, 2019.
Application deadline: March 25, 2019 inclusive.
Announcement of winners and award ceremony: April 7, 2019, 15.00
Festival Venue: Exhibition Complex of the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts (Address: Moscow, Krymsky Val St., 8/2).
Festival organizers:
ROO SHMSI "European Art Union"
World Foundation for the Arts
Production Group "Art of the Future"
Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts
Russian branch of the World Art Fund
Eurasian Art Union
Section "Art Management" of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia
In the age of global computerization and informatization, the creative development of children and adolescents is very important. After all, only creativity develops the imagination, teaches to create, forms an aesthetic susceptibility to the world and appreciation of the beautiful. Therefore, the main goal of the festival is not only to present the wide public to the creative work of young talents from the Russian Federation, but also to popularize children’s and teenage creativity, as well as to identify and disseminate innovative methods in the development of children’s and teenage creativity based on the use of modern science and information technology.
- presentation to the general public of the creative works of young talents from the Russian Federation;
- aesthetic, patriotic education of youth;
- popularization of youth creativity;
- -support of debut projects of young Russian authors and performers, stimulation of the creative potential of Russian youth;
- strengthening a single cultural space, cultural ties between the regions of the Russian Federation;
- development of original traditions of the Russian cultural heritage;
- interaction and interpenetration of cultures of various regions of the Russian Federation, cultural exchange between young authors and performers.
The Cup of Russia for Artistic Work “Assembly of the Arts” combines three programs - exhibition, competition and educational. Authors and organizations that submit an application on time get the opportunity to exhibit their work in the exhibition hall during the festival. Festival participants participate in numerous master classes and lectures.
All works admitted to the exhibition participate in the competition program and are evaluated by members of the national and international jury.
Prizes and bonuses for placement at exhibitions, competitions and galleries in Russia, Europe and Asia, participation in training programs, prizes in the form of materials and equipment, publications and interviews are provided for winners. The Russian Cup of Artistic Creativity is part of the World Art Assembly, a global art project that sponsors similar festivals in St. Petersburg, Minsk, Kiev, Bratislava, London and Beijing. This allows the winners of the Cup of Russia in artistic creativity to present their work in other countries.
There are two forms of participation in the festival: PERSONAL and PRIVATE.
1) PARTICULAR PARTY: original art objects are provided for the festival’s competition program;
2) PARTICIPATION PARTICIPATED: the competition program of the festival provides photo images of works in electronic form and a video file of performances. Art objects are printed and posted in the general exhibition exposition, video files with performances are played during the festival.
Participants in the competitive programs include the following age groups:
- Category "Children’s": up to 7 years
- Junior Category: 8 to 10 years old
- Medium Category: 10 to 13 years old
- Category "Senior": from 14 to 16 years
- Category "Junior": from 17 years to 21 years
- Teachers category: age not regulated
The indicated categories are evaluated separately by the jury.
The festival includes the following thematic sections:
- Competition Exhibition
- Educational program (program of master classes, lectures);
- Scientific-practical conference "Innovations in pedagogy".
Section "Fine Arts":
- Painting competition
- Graphic contest
- Photography contest
- Sculpture competition
- Author’s doll contest
- Arts and crafts competition
- Textile Art Competition
- Digital Art Competition
Section "Literature":
- Reader competition
- Literary contest (poetry, prose)
Section "Stage Art":
- Competition of choreographic mastery (dance competition)
- Vocal Competition (Singing Competition)
Within the framework of the festival, numerous master classes, lectures and creative meetings are held. Master classes will help authors navigate in the modern diversity of the World of Art. Listeners will be interested to learn about specific techniques, materials and approaches used in the world practice of creating art objects, about the structure and features of the functioning of Russian and foreign art markets, about support programs for talented authors.
For participants of the festival, excursions to museums and visits to the closed funds of a number of art schools and museums are organized.
All master classes and lectures are exclusive and will be interesting to both children and teachers.
In order to create a unified communication platform for discussing and solving urgent problems of personality development in pre-vocational and vocational education, identifying and disseminating advanced methodological, organizational and managerial experience, the Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education” is held as part of the festival.
Theme of the conference: “Innovations in art education. The vector of development and the main real practice. "
Conference sections:
- Learning Innovation
- Parenting innovations
- Management innovation
- Innovations in the training and retraining of education personnel
The creative works of authors and performers participate in the competition program and are evaluated by members of the Expert Council (jury), consisting of highly professional masters of modern art: artists, art historians, choreographers, theater experts, and vocal educators. According to the results of the jury’s work, lists of winners are formed in each age category and in each nomination. The winners of the competition are awarded with cups, medals, diplomas of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Council of the competition, recommendations for artistic directors, participation of winners in a number of foreign exhibitions and festivals.
At the end of the festival, the catalog “New Faces in Arts” is published. This catalog includes participants who provided a complete set of registration materials.
The catalog is available on CD and in paper. Ordering a catalog is possible upon prior request.