International exhibition of children’s drawings "The Great Victory -70 years"
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с 6 по 8 Мая
Музейно-выставочный комплекс Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский переулок, 17
May 6-8, 2015 from 11.00 to 19.00 in the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the School of Watercolors Sergey Andriyaka will host the International Exhibition and Contest of Children’s Drawings "The Great Victory - 70th Anniversary".
The exhibition was organized by the Sergey Andriyaka School of Watercolors with the support of the Moscow City Department of Culture.
The best drawings, from more than one and a half thousand works, were selected for its exposition in the nominations: Victory Day 1945, Letters from the Front, and Meeting of the Winners. 1945. "," Hero-cities and places of military glory "," Arms of Victory "," Victory Day in our time. " The exhibition will feature children’s drawings about the war not only of young artists from Russia, but also of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Victory Day - a memory that unites nations!
The winners of the competition will be able to visit the hero city of Moscow for free and attend painting lessons at the country’s leading watercolor school. The school of watercolors of Sergiy Andriyaka always contributes to the support of young talents from different parts of Russia.
As part of the exhibition of works dedicated to the Great Victory, Sergey Andriyaka’s watercolor workshops will be organized, concerts of music schools in Moscow, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War will be held.
The international art exhibition of children’s drawings “The Great Victory - 70th Anniversary” is included in the Action Plan of the Moscow City Department of Culture for the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. A visit to the exhibition by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is planned.
Competition website:
Information about the watercolor school of Sergei Andriyaka
In 1999, by decision of the Moscow Government, the Moscow State Specialized Watercolor School Sergei Andriyaka was established with a museum and exhibition complex.
The main task of the School of Watercolors is to provide the basics of professional art education. To accomplish this task, the artistic director of the School, People’s Artist of Russia Sergey Nikolaevich Andriyaka, developed an authorial technique that allows anyone to learn the basics of classical watercolor.
School of watercolors is a public institution of continuing education. Art disciplines are taught - drawing, watercolor painting. The history of Russian art and world art culture is taught without fail. Today, the number of students at the School of Watercolor reaches 1,000. And this is not all comers. The School regularly receives proposals to open its branches in other cities of Russia and abroad.
Over the 15 years of the existence of the School of Watercolors, its wonderful artists - teachers, led by the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts Sergey Andriyaka, have achieved a lot. The educational process at all stages remains attractive for students. Apparent educational successes help their further growth. Gradually, their confidence in their abilities grows. Many of the students of the School of Watercolors have by now successfully entered the higher art educational institutions of Moscow, including the Sergey Andriyaka Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts.
The School’s Museum and Exhibition Complex, equipped to international standards, regularly holds exhibitions of watercolors and drawings from the 17th - early 20th centuries from the collection of leading museums in Moscow and Russia. In the halls of the complex exhibited works from the State Historical Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, State Museum of the East.
Watercolor school website:
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