A month in the village. Comedy in two acts. Ivan Turgenev (16+)
Automatic translate
24 Февраля
Воронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55
March 16th
This graceful composition has a lot of love: explanations, experiences, suffering, and sometimes almost vaudeville situations. After all, the play is permeated by the author’s subtle humor.
His characters live in a state of love and in anticipation of future happiness.
But those who try to live their life, and not seek someone else’s, will become truly happy.
Age requirement 16+.
The approximate duration of the performance is 2 hours.
- The fifth season of the year
- Exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the magazine "Crocodile" in the International Exhibition Center of the Russian Academy of Arts
- Exhibition of paintings "Portrait of a Contemporary" in the House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva
- Exhibition of works by Vladimir Mochalov. Portrait caricature in graphics and painting
- "Terra-bronza". Exhibition of works by Andrey Shcherbakov
- "Fatherland. History. Geography." Exhibition of works by Salavat Shcherbakov
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.