"Melodies of Buddhism" by Elena Belyaeva
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Выставочный зал Изобразительных искусств ТСХР “Лаврушинский, 15”
Лаврушинский пер. 15
Our world often shudders from shocks: wars, epidemics, religious bloody clashes - and the further humanity steps in its development, the more shocks the world experiences. It is so necessary, so important, so valuable for all this not to forget yourself, to remain faithful to the one who gave you this life. “Stop for a moment, close your eyes, inhale, exhale and just raise your eyes to the sky and let beauty and tranquility fill your heart” - this is what the paintings of Elena Belyaeva, united in one exhibition structure called “Melodies of Buddhism”, speak about. The devastation generated by the modern life of the metropolis recedes, with only one look at the painting "Infinity". You look at it and the pettiness of everyday troubles becomes absurd, you feel the invisible presence of the creator in every subject, even in the little things that you are used to not noticing. Involvement in the general course of time, the feeling of being part of a vast universe, makes you relax and surrender to the stream of life, its chaos, in which, in fact, everyone is in their place and has their own destiny.

This picture, perhaps, can be considered a key uniting all the melodies of Buddhism together, organizing them into a harmonious composition of blessed overflows of music.
The exhibition composition consists of 30 paintings, united by a common theme, one mood, one style. Stunning work of the artist Elena Belyaeva will soon be able to see everyone. A series of paintings “Melodies of Buddhism” is a unique phenomenon of modern art, so sincere, so bright, they are called upon to change the world within each of us.
- Belyaeva Elena graduated from the Far Eastern Pedagogical University in 2000.
- In 2011, a personal exhibition "Seasons".
- Since 2016, engaged in the studio of A. Gudkov
- Since 2016, Member of TSHR.
Recommendation for a series of works by Elena Belyaeva “Melodies of Buddhism”
The works of Elena Belyaeva from the cycle “Melodies of Buddhism” interested me in their imagery and non-trivial abstractness. She was able to portray pointless things vividly, richly, to convey their multifaceted essence through the means of composition and original color. This can be clearly seen in the works of Infinity and Leap. The main essence of the phenomena is conveyed in them, and at first glance the images are recognized, which are expressed by seemingly simple lines of rhythms and colors.
Workshop rhythm transmission can be observed in the work "Jump". At first glance it seems that the colors and lines are chaotic, but this is not so. Holding an inquiring glance at the picture, we see clear color alternations. It should also be noted the general composition, built on the opposition of straight, straight lines that tend to go up and, as it were, as a counterbalance, soft rounded lines around. Through this work, one can feel the powerful effort and energy of the jump, its rapid vector and this feeling we have because of the fact that the artist used the contrast of sharp and soft bends of the lines in her work.
I would also like to mention the work "Drops on the water." This picture differs from the previous one in that it depicts not a pointless, but a concrete phenomenon, but the artist did not begin to change his style and approached this work with a special feeling. The author did not simply and realistically copy nature, but was able to convey the image in his intuitive manner. There is also a rhythm game in this work, but I would like to note the colors and shades that were used. For the image of water, red and yellow, and ocher, and green, and blue were used, and most of them were muted, the author did not use open colors. Thanks to this, the reflective property of water was transmitted, which helped to get into the right image very accurately.
The materials with which the artist wrote her works in the series “Melodies of Buddhism” are no less intriguing than the images of these paintings. Elena Belyaeva used not only artistic paints and all kinds of liners, but also seemingly things not even related to artistic materials, such as felt-tip pens and putty The original approach to materials and their combination allows to reveal a creative individuality and once again prove that an artist can work not only with professional, but also with simpler tools and at the same time creating Stunning, vibrant and imaginative work.
Chairman of intuitive painting. Gudkov A.S.
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