Media project of Olga Gurevich and Natalya Sitnikova Relic light
Automatic translate
с 24 Марта
по 3 АпреляГалерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
Two multi-part video installations represent an allegorical picture of the world. This is a single artistic image designed to illustrate the ideas of the authors about the nature of creation and art. Relic light is a visible evidence of the beginning of our world.
Arising in a bright flash, this radiation, advancing over time, pushed the boundaries of the universe. Light is also one of the main problems of art since the time of primitive cave painting. In the Middle Ages, Romanesque and Gothic differed solely in matters of illumination of architectural spaces. In the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci created the sphumato - light transition, creating a visual volume of a picturesque form. Caravaggio and many other authors made the shadow and highlight the main methods of creativity of the New Age. Light and shadow create the cosmogonic theme of artistic design. The media character of the exposition suggests that the viewer empathizes with the authors all the stages of artistic evolution. The main idea of the exhibition project is to demonstrate the metalanguage of contemporary art, read in various intertextual environments.- On the way to the light
- "The Awakening of Spring. Painting and Graphics by Oleg Tolstoy"
- Renaissance painting
- Наследие греческой живописи
- Сфумато
- Key differences between 19th and 20th century painting
- Why do we constantly need new music?
- "Fractals" in "Zifergauz"
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.