MASTER CLASS "CHEMISTRY OF ARTS" 4+ Automatic translate
14 Декабря
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
December 14, 16:00.
Who would have thought, but chemistry and art are closely related. If not for chemistry, many works of art would not have survived to our times. Many paints would not have been invented and used in the works of great masters. Interactive scientific and creative adventure "Chemistry in Art". A whole hour of exciting experiments. Children will not only listen to the presenter, but also participate in a fascinating process (20% of theory, 80% of practice). For painting, you can use not only canvas and paints. At the master class, we will use a non-standard way of drawing, which can be repeated at home independently. Duration 1 hour.
250 rub
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Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.