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22 Декабря
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10

December 22, 13:30.
Neither bright garlands from the supermarket, nor balls from designer sets, nor expensive jewelry made of fragile glass, can be compared with Christmas decorations made by hand. Of course, they will not overshadow the fashionable brilliance of “purchased” toys, but they will fill the house with the comfort of joint gatherings, during which both children and adults relive the joy of joint creativity. Handmade decoration of the New Year tree and the “New Year” house made by your children and you will create a warm holiday space. There are many ways and materials from which you can make Christmas toys, one of the most famous is paper. Who doesn’t remember how in childhood he cut and pasted the rings of colorful garlands?
“Paper is an amazingly plastic and experiment-loving material,” said Nina Ostrun, designer, director of the virtual “Origami Museum”, author of books on this not at all simple art, curator of exhibitions dedicated to the magic of paper transformations.
During the workshop “Magic Paper”, which Nina will hold for children and their parents, everyone will be able to get acquainted with “paper magic”, create their own exclusive decoration.
Duration -1 hour.
The cost of 500 rubles.
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